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Am I Real?

I sometimes get wrapped up in wanting to be more "real." In convincing myself that I am somehow "not real" or "not real enough." I can see the signs and symptoms of it in my thinking and in my emotional responses to things, and I know that it is not factually an intellectual position or reaction. I've come to feel as if it is almost more of an effect of living the way I do in the world the way it is. If I had to describe it, I'd say that it is like having places where your skin feels irritated for no particular reason -- the irritated spots just show up periodically from out of nowhere and generate discomfort and "itchiness."

There are many different ways to think about the question of "what is real?" Of course, it is possible to pick up the dictionary and look it up, but the definition (Being or occurring in fact or actuality; having verifiable existence: real objects; a real illness. True and actual; not imaginary, alleged, or ideal) just isn't all that helpful in terms of how I'm thinking/feeling just now. The notion of "real" that feels more like what I mean in my head when I am saying it feels more like "consensual truth" -- what is it that we, as a society, agree is the truth about something. It's that business of "whatever we say it means, what matters is how we all actually behave about it in the event."

So when I get into these places where I'm itching about being real or more real, I'm really reacting to the social reflection that communicates that there is something inherently NOT TRUE about my life, my position, my relationship. It comes from the small, subtle (and sometimes not so subtle) uphill battles of being His without being able to be public about that. It comes from the almost endless complexity of navigating the social and legal details of polyamory like credit and bank accounts and budgets and insurance and separate addresses and who can know and what they can know and when and where and...

Usually, I just go along and don't pay attention. I don't fuss and I don't obsess and I don't dream of the day when I could become "legally" His. It isn't going to happen. I understand. I see the bumper stickers --

My logical, reasonable, sensible mind tells me that it isn't important. I'm not going to be bringing children into this. I'm all grown up and pretty well self-defined, and I don't need "white lace and promises" to fulfill any of my dreams. But it hurts. It tells me that I am outside. Permanently. Simply because of the numbers. Two. Not three. Our socially "consensual truth" defines marriage by gender and number. As long as you fulfill the gender and number criteria, you can have your marriage recognized ceremonially in almost any sort of context you can dream up: church, courthouse, beach, sci-fi convention, Las Vegas marrying parlor, sporting event -- you name it. No limits, no requirements, no definitions or obligations or expectations past that point: boy meets girl equals two.

I don't have any problem with all the "twos." I know and love lots of wonderful "twos." Not the least of which would be my own dear Loves. I also know that IF there could be a legal way to make me part of this household, officially, it WOULD happen, and without any hesitation or pause. But. There is no legal status for me. I am not "real." I am really "His." Inside our doors and our walls, there is no question or doubt. It is just the rest of the world. That's a BIG place, where I have to live and operate a lot of the time. I bang around out there and after awhile, my nerves start to fray and the irritation begins to show.

Ahhhh, well. No answers. Just fussiness.



  1. Anonymous6:09 PM

    dear swan,

    your discontent is understandable. i know that you've performed private ceremonies together. perhaps a public ceremony or ritual would help? it's sometimes hard to be and fit best beyond conventional. maybe when it's the hardest is the right time to find the celebration in it? knowing what i know of you all, i'd think something non-non-traditional, no public collaring or what-have-you. surely there is some way to share your 3-way-love with your community in a way that is gently honest & inclusive? after all, even when we pair off in churches & so forth, it's to acknowledge the bond in community more than define the expressions of that bond. surely you'll allow me my hopefulness - i do know that you all live public lives that don't give much room for, uh, full disclosure.

    regardless, please accept my (((hug)))

  2. I am also unmarried, but part of a two. I am aware, I have no legal say or right over my partner. His family is ultraconservative. I can see possible problems...But the big difference here--My status is choice. We could get married but choose not to. You have no legal way to be recognized, just as gay couples can't, nor anyone else outside the HE + SHE box....For people who claim they hate Big Government, Republicans sure seem to legislate the most private areas of love and sexuality...The laws will change one day...but probably not soon enough to benefit you.


  3. Once upon a time.. when i first met Sir.. He was already in a relationship.... and i was added with the blessings of all involved.... i don't think it was ever meant to be poly in your sense of the word..... but we were 3 .. and i always felt the odd man out. At one point i remember telling Sir (after some vanilla function we had all attended) that i felt an awful lot like the "other woman" .. (i don't do the "other woman" role well at all )

    i can't even imagine what it would feel like... the being the 3rd with no status.. for any length of time.. but i do believe you put it (as always) very succinctly when you titled this entry "Am I real?"

    hugs swan

    morningstar (owned by Warren)

  4. Anonymous10:15 AM

    The ultimate definition of "real" for me comes from the book The Velvateen Rabbit. While I don't have a copy with me, "real" is a condition that occurs over time, with much love and sometimes neglect and damage. In the end, the rabbit is "real". With all that you've been through, as told here in your blog, you are very, very "real" no matter what the world sees and says. It is the rabbit and others of his kind that recognize that he is "real", not the world in general. You qualify.

  5. Anonymous1:29 PM

    You open quite a can of worms with this (as always) fascinating post.

    Real, like truth, can be a highly subjective thing. Heaven, Hell, The Spiritual World, are very ‘real’ for me.
    I have never been there, people or things don’t talk to me from there, but its just as real to me as France. (I have never been there either. I have had pictures and concepts about the spiritual world since early childhood and I accept them. (Even if I can’t, and don’t want to, make others believe as I do and the thought that Tom probably disapproves.)

    On the other hand, your last post about wait, wait please wait is totally unreal for me. It’s not that I doubt it happened but I just can’t get my mind around it. It want’s to run screaming from the scene. It’s not that I condemn SM or even disapprove of it. I just can’t take it in and I don’t want to experience it. (A strange confession for someone who claims to be a apankofile.)

    Perhaps it is something that’s just a little too real for comfort.

    Some things are fun, even if they are not “real”. Last Saturday was a good example. You and Sly are not going to come pouring across the border, Canes in hand, intent on beating the crap out of a poor old man. The thought, however, does have merit.

    What you are seeking – I think – is validation and approval. You are not likely to find your life style widely accepted and approved of. – Why scratch yourself raw over it?

    Thanks for sharing your life with us.


  6. Anonymous4:28 AM

    Dearest sweet Velveteen rabbit,

    Is it enough to say I understand? I hope so, because I really do understand.

    Hugs and kisses to you all,


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