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We are three adults living in a polyamorous triad family. The content here is intended for an adult audience. If you are not an adult, please leave now.



We've just returned from the doctor.
He has salmonella.
We are really not entirely sure where He may have picked it up.
What we do know is that it is self-limiting, and that it will run its course within the week most likely. We also know that, of the possibilities that have been suggested over the last few days, this is the least frightening and sinister.
He is some better. Still very weak and not feeling well, but better.
We are all exhausted, but relieved.
Thank you all for your good wishes, your prayers, your friendship, and your kindness.



  1. I am so relieved to hear that. I mean of course it's still highly unplesant to have to go through all of that, but I am glad it's not something more serious.

    Here's hoping for a speedy recovery!


  2. Phew! Glad to hear it's something "minor"...

    As for where he got it.. Ummm...
    Main contamination sources are improperly coocked chicken meat or eggs, boiler water that hasn't been hot enough (>78 degrees centigrade), in that range also airco effluent or mist off the outside unit in extremely hot weather.
    Or any food , but notably fish or shellfish that's even been near the above two,that can't be thoroughly cooked, or is improperly refrigerated (although the latter usually carry E. Coli instead of salmonella.

    Maybe he ate something in that range in the last week?
    Note that food doesn't need to be "spoilt" or "dodgy" to get you contaminated.. the infection treshold is far below anything you'd taste if there isn't anything else growing in there.

  3. Anonymous6:33 PM

    Well thank you for that comment Doctor Grumblin lol...was just about to say something like that...hehehe

    I shall be very quiet I am still sick and should be in bedde.

    But hope you will back on your feet soon Tom.


  4. Anonymous2:21 AM

    Oh swan, I am so pleased to hear this news...salmonella is nasty but, as you said, self limiting, so hopefully it will be dealt with by the meds and over soon. What a worrying time this has been for you all....will keep sending positive energy your way until Tom's completely recovered.

    love and hugs xxx

  5. Swan, thanks for the update, what a relief that Tom will be better soon, for you and T.
    Warm hugs,

  6. Anonymous8:25 AM

    thinking of you all & sending best wishes for a quick & uneventful recovery!

  7. Anonymous10:07 AM

    I'm so very glad for all of you. I've nursed a couple of people with salmonella. It's certainly not fun, but the outcomes are good.

    Love to you all...

  8. Anonymous11:45 PM

    My continued best wishes that he recover fully and soon.



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