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Toy Collection #1

We tend to talk about our toy collection in passing. The piles of implements are so much a part of our lives, that we really don't give them much thought, and we almost never focus strictly on one particular piece. Lately, I've begun to think in terms of spotlighting the various implements in our collection, chronicaling the range and variety of our toys.

So... to begin.

Most that read here know that Master is partial to paddles. I'm not entirely sure what it is about the paddle that He so enjoys, but it is one of His passions.

This paddle is, by far, the loveliest of all. It is a paddle that came, originally, from the now defunct Toy Bag Toys. They named it "Last Resort." Made of zircote and bloodwood, it is a beautiful as well as functional paddle. We keep it, as you see in the top photo, hung on the wall -- displayed as the work of art that it is. Visitors to our home seem to never comprehend what it is.

In truth, He very seldom actually uses this paddle on me. It is very thick (probably 5/8 or 3/4 of an inch) and very heavy -- more like a club than a paddle. It is probably 7-8 inches in diameter, and about 16 inches long overall. It leaves deep tissue bruises, and nowadays, it hurts my "old lady" hips. It is a jarring implement, capable of knocking me across the room.

The very hard woods of this paddle deliver an atrocious sting that almost feels like a burn.

I am glad that we have this piece. It is a beautiful piece of handicraft, and now that Toy Bag doesn't exist anymore, it seems very good to have this "collectible" paddle in the mix.



  1. Anonymous11:27 PM

    LOL, this is an absolutely beautiful piece of wooden art, and we both cherish and enjoy the fact that we can display it in our living room without most vanilla's perceiving its utilitarian intent beyond its aesthetic design. It is, my dear, 1/2 inch thick and six inches in diameter. Used moderatey and skillfully I can make it burn your bottom gloriously and without creating huge bruising and certainly without dmamging your hips (although you are right that the potential for those issues is very real were someone to "wail away" without finesse with this paddle.)

    It is an awesome paddle and your awe and respect for it is demonstrated by your expansive and very disconcerting description of its size and potential for inflicting damage.

    I am wondering,since you are intent on writing about various ones of our toys, if after you introduce each of them we shouldn't use them so you can describe the effect from recent memory:)

    Thank you for sharing this artful piece from our collection with our friends here.


    Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you've imagined.

  2. Anonymous4:02 AM

    Laughs out loud....and there we see the wicked mind that most of us slaves love our Masters for displayed in all its glory!! Could imagine M saying exactly what Tom just said.....that's going to have me giggling for the rest of the day.

    'Poor' swan....what have you started my dear??!!

    love and hugs xxx

  3. It's beautiful.

    I would call it "Banjo".


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