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Large Cups!

I have normal pressure glaucoma. It is an oddball variant of glaucoma in which intraoccular pressure is not elevated above the normal range (as would normally be the case with glaucoma). The diagnosis is made instead because visual examination of the back of the eye shows unusual "cupping" around the optic nerve. It is not certain. The diagnosis is only confirmed by noting changes over time, or as vision begins to measurably deteriorate -- so, in consultation with my opthamalogist, I opted to begin treating with beta blockers about two years ago. It is not difficult. I use drops in each eye twice a day.

I also see the eye doctor for regular eye exams, and each time, he checks that "cupping" at the optic nerve. My last appointment was yesterday afternoon. Master went with me.

After I'd been through all the preliminary folderol of reading eye charts, and following fingers up down and sideways, and getting drops for this that and the other thing -- and after I'd been completely dialated (hence rendered almost totally blind), we were, at last, ushered into the examining room. Intense young doctor, and equally intense male opthmalogic assistant enter and begin the exam which proceeds just fine. And I checked out without a hitch. We got to the very end, and were all chatting back and forth, and were almost done when the doctor remembered that he wanted to "draw my optic nerves." I commented that I had cute and interesting optic nerves, to which he replied without really thinking about it, "Well, you have large cups..."

Insert awkward silence here...

Master glanced across the room at me with a twinkle in His eye, and I just couldn't resist. I just had to say it: "I'm 51 years old and I think that's the first time in my life that anyone has ever said that to me -- it figures it would be my eye doctor!" The two of them sort of hemmed and hawed and shuffled nervously, and we all just let it all go, but it was priceless!

So, it is official... Large cups. Me! Go figure.


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:50 AM

    I like the story.I am into necrophilia.Necrophilia, and somnophilia (love of someone sleeping), are scientifically classified as a "sexual deviations" or dysfunctions... but remember that is a clinical description and should not be taken out of context. I consider myself a "fantasy" necrophiliac; that means I am NOT an obsessive necrophiliac in that having sex with a dead person is the only thing in the world I wish to do. I am not so totally consumed by the thought that I want to have sex with corpse that I can't function "normally" (whatever "normal" is). I have been married over 30 years, have three kids... and I have had what some would consider "normal" sexual relations. I function in the real world like anyone else and if we met on the street you would never know my unique interest from my appearance, in the same way I'd not know your fantasies by your appearance. Love to hear from you dead or alive.


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