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Mom Update

Well....been a loooong time since the last update. I am feeling a bit ragged these days. I work 4, 10 hour days and the other 3 days I am with my Mom for about 8-10 hours a day. My house looks like crap. I get laundry done...mine and Mom' the dishwasher, feed the cat and try to sleep. I got a script from the Dr. for Sonata, I was sleeping about 3 hours a night...I am up to 6 now.

Mom is better. She is usually wide awake. But some days she naps alot. Mostly on Fridays when I can get to her and spend time...she sleeps. The beauty salon ladies have never seen her eyes. She sleeps through the wash, trim, blow dryer and curling iron.

She is involved with PT/OT/Speech staff. There is a musical therapist that sees her every afternoon. They have upgraded her from the Geri Chair, to a reclining wheelchair and now she has a standard wheelchair that she can use her feet to move about.

She has not fallen/crawled/slid out of bed in about 4 nights. Before she was on the floor at least once every night. She can be in her room alone now with staff monitoring her from the hall. I think she likes this. Today she was reading a magazine in her recliner.

She walked to and from PT today with a walker. It is about 3 times the distance she has been walking. Then she made 2 other trips up and down the hallway outside of her room. She is getting stronger.

She is still fed via a feeding tube. But after trying to yank it out 3 times and having it replaced once, she now leaves it alone. She will hold it during feedings but no more yanking. She is eating smooth, soft food with the speech therapist. She sings, hums, and taps the beat of the music.

Speech still eludes her. And frustrates the Hell out of her. The more she improves the more frustration she has over this. We get some words easily...."yes, no, why, want, dammit" but she often says "wa wa wa" and we have to remind her to think first and speak more slowly....and that frustrates her even more. She sometimes writes for us. Some is legible, some is gibberish. Some is silly mish-mash of words that do not go together.

Saturday, we were walking the building and found a piano. She reads music and could play the piano. She played cords with her left hand Saturday. Several different ones. She played in the afternoon and again that evening when Tom & Sue visited.

Today, the OT staff called for us to bring her tennis shoes to her. More stability now that she is walking more. A good step.

Think that is the most recent news. A few weeks ago, I was worried that she would never be able to come home. Now I am thinking that in a few months she just might make it home...with supports. My niece is moving into Mom's house on Oct. 10th. She will be there to support Mom when she comes home.

Again, Thanks for all of your support.



  1. Thank you for the update T. I am happy that your news is so much better.


  2. That is wonderful news. Remember to take care of yourself too though.

  3. T, my heart goes out to you hun. How utterly exhausting. I'm thrilled to hear the progress, but know too well the toll that is still being taken on you and all her loved ones.

    How wonderful you have a niece that can help out! Knowing there will be someone there down the line must provide a great comfort.

    thinking of you.

  4. Thank you for the update and so happy to hear about her progress.

    Take care of yourself.


  5. Impish110:48 AM

    Think of you often, and of your mom...worry about that pace you are keeping. Glad she is improving, and I hope you know that many others are with you. Maybe you can feel us when you need a little company; it can be so lonely to move through that kind of care-taking schedule.

  6. Thank you, T, for taking the time to keep us in the loop. I know you've got a lot going on and it must be exhausting, and it's so nice that we can cheer along with you because of this progress.

    You have all my best wishes, hoping that your mom keeps improving.


  7. I too, was struck by how tremendous her progress has been as I read your words. Simply OUTSTANDING news!

    And what a relief that your niece is able to move in and care for her Grandmom when she comes home.

    I know well your raggedy feeling, working, taking care of yourself and your home, and the additional time you spend with your Mom takes a toll. I've done that routine many times in the past with my Mom.

    I hope you can find peace and relaxation, some relief and room to breathe.



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