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Political Rant -- Fair Warning

Mother Jones Magazine reports this week that the new darling of the "social conservative" wing of the Republican party, Mike Huckabee, wrote the following in a book he co-authored in 1998:

It is now difficult to keep track of the vast array of publicly endorsed and institutionally supported aberrations—from homosexuality and pedophilia to sadomasochism and necrophilia.

Trying to put some sort of "reasonable" spin on that little gem, Huckabee mouthpiece, Joe Carter sought to clarify its meaning like this:

"He's not equating homosexuality with necrophilia. He's saying there's a range of aberrant behavior. He considers homosexuality aberrant, but that's at one end of the spectrum. Necrophilia is at the other end."
Carter added: "No way is he saying that homosexuality is like having sex with dead people. That's not it at all."
Asked how one measured what rated where on this spectrum of aberrant behavior, Carter said: "He was talking about aberrant sexual behavior. Sado masochism and necrophilia are on the further end of the spectrum."



We're a good long way from the point where this all comes down to actual votes getting cast here. I wouldn't ever, ever, ever vote for any of the characters that the Republicans are fielding this go round. That said, I, for one, am going to keep that little piece of information very clearly in mind. I will be very sure to do anything and everything that I can possibly do to ensure that Mike Huckabee never moves into the White House.


  1. What's truly disturbing, is how amicable and funny Mike Huckabee seems to be. But 'neath the surface of his friendly face lies Christian intolerance and ignorance. We will know they are Christian, but their love, by their love....

  2. The good news is that THIS guy has a documented record of his intolerance. It is in print. We can (and in my opinion, should) spread the word far and wide. I've got preferences on the "other" side, surely, but whoever finally gets that nomination WILL be my candidate. There can be no quarter given to this bunch.


  3. Anonymous11:49 AM

    Wow. How insulting. Thanks for the head's up!


  4. Anonymous12:56 PM as a masochist, i'm on the farther end of the spectrum than a pedophile?

    huckabee might want to gag his "mouthpiece".

    but wait, i'm guessing bondage is one of the aberrant behaviors.

  5. Anonymous1:09 PM

    He makes me want to puke...for so many reasons.

    I can't say I'm surprised by his bigoted stance on s&m, but I do find it to be ironic. He has stated that women should be submissive to their husbands and all that crap.* D/s is often a part of s&m relationships. I know the "lifestyle" of D/s is different than his old-school stance on female submission but it would be interesting to hear his response if someone were to point out the similarities.

    *Disclaimer: I mean no offense by that...I am a female and identify as a submissive but I don't support society telling women that's how it *should* be. Being told/forced to be like that and actually being wired like that are two different things.

    Sorry I kind of ranted...this guy just really gets to me.

    ~a long time lurker ;)

  6. Anonymous4:53 PM

    Well, I have to say Huckabee's statement and Carter's explanation was so ridiculous it is almost amusing...almost. What makes it not, is those people who are motivated by prejudice towards hate crimes, etc. will listen to this stuff. That makes it dangerous. Speaking up is the only antidote...that and our vote!

  7. Anonymous12:48 AM

    I am from Arkansas, Huckabee's home state. I will fight right along with you to make sure this man never comes close to the white house. I am amazed at the attention he's getting and can't believe he's made it so far. His record won't stand up to the scrutiny and he will fall. He is NOT presidential material.


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