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We are three adults living in a polyamorous triad family. The content here is intended for an adult audience. If you are not an adult, please leave now.


New vs. Newbie

An earlier post/rant of Swan's got me to thinking.....Why is it that everyone who is "NEW" to a group is automatically treated as a "NEWBIE"? I am a pretty self-assured person, yet when we go to BDSM functions, I don't put myself out there as "Old Guard". As Tom has mentioned, I have been in the scene for about 18 years, yet I don't feel the need to toss that around. I still like to think that I am learning and growing in my position. BUT I absolutely HATE when I go to functions and am treated like an idiot. We go to a couple of weekend events a year that have classes and dungeon time, and invariably all of the classes are setup for people who have little or no basic knowledge of BDSM/Polyamory. I get into one of these classes, the person giving the class will pass out the class schedule and then they will READ the schedule to us.....and that was the class! DUH! Could have done that at home in my comfy sweats on the 'puter, dip-shit! When will they ever learn that there are plenty of us that have interests that FAR exceed "SM101" and don't EVEN get me started on the "Celebrity Auctions for Charity"!!!!

Then we go to the dungeon, and I spend the evening playing Dungeon Mistress for Tom and Swan so the Dungeon Monitors keep out of their play-space! I have to talk to the DMs, explaining that they play High End and there WILL be knives involved. I have to force back the crowd as they press in to watch the play, because the DM's don't do their jobs. And these same DM's are the ones who "presume" that we have to attend their special screening classes prior to joining their precious club? They cannot even control a dungeon, where most people control themselves, how are they EVER going to protect the "poor defensless subbies" from the "big bad evil preditors" who lurk at every turn? Pardon me while I puke!

I have been to 3 PEER events. One at a bar. One at a farm. One at a restaurant. Each was "interesting" in it's own right, but the farm one, especially so. Sort of a cross between "Apocalypse Now" meets "Green Acres", if you can picture it. As a greeting, I was told I could use the facilities inside the outhouse to pee only. If I had to do anything else, I was to go into the woods. Well, OK, then... And way back in the woods was where the play space was. When I saw they were breaking out the "OFF" because the mosquitos were so bad, I mentioned that I was very allergic to "OFF". They laughed and sprayed me anyway...... I left, barely able to drive home with my eyes almost swollen closed...... Delightful people.

I was not aware that Swan had contacted PEER for possible membership. I am glad she is NOT going there. Frankly, these people deserve each other....At the farm....doing goodness knows what......back in the woods...... with that critter on the 50 gallon rubber drum.... pounding a rhythm, only HE knows .... while everyone else craps behind trees.




  1. Now, now, my sweet delicate flower, don't hold back. Let everyone know exactly what it is you are thinking and feeling. There is no need to limit your expression to appear diplomatic or sensitive:)

    You Go Girl! ROFL


    Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you've imagined.

  2. Anonymous11:32 PM

    Taylor and I used to do demos and presentations for PEER but it appears they've done some remodeling lately.

    Out with the old and in with the new isn't always an improvement, eh?

    Carrie Ann

  3. wish you folks lived close enough to invite you to a semi private event that happens on your side of the border but close to us each August...

    i have never been to such an open event........ god the play starts when everyone gets up and ends when everyone goes to bed..... and there weren't even any DM's.. (not the last time) we were told to be self regulating.. and we were...

    ohhhhhhh there were outhouses.. we were told we could pee in the house bathroom (it is held on a farm too) but everything else was to be done in the outhouses.........

    The play took place center court under huge tents...... with heaters cause it can get damn cold in August - and did !!

    just wishing you guys were close enough........ hells bells if you were close enough and carrie and Taylor were close enough we could start our very own group... have to find a catchy name though !!!

    morningstar (owned by Warren)

  4. Morningstar, wouldn't it be wonderful if we could in fact join you for this in August, and in fact perhaps we could. We'd all of us be thrilled to get to meet you and Himself. And perhaps, with appropriate premissions and consents granted I could make up for that switching you found so anti-climactic and disappointing a couple of years back:)

    Please write swan or me and let us know when and where that is and, perhaps we could plan to do just that assuming it's prior to the beginning of the school year.

    What a fabuouls suggestion.

    All the best:)


    Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you've imagined.


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