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Back in the Day...

A comment on the Beast  post, has been lodged in my mind all week:

I was trying to remember if I read you back in your masochistic days... But I am wondering if you go there maybe you will be able to step off the ledge into the abyss and know you are safe and find your peace???

Ouch!  There it is -- the definitive judgement of a long-time reader that, while I might have been a masochist back in the day, clearly I am not a masochist any longer.  Somewhere in the last few years, I've let my membership in that elite club lapse. 

Beyond the fact that I feel pretty tender about that evaluation; beyond my almost overwhelming urge to defend myself against that verdict; believing that my commenting friend was intending to be understanding, sympathetinc, supportive, and helpful -- I wonder what, if anything, there might be for me to say about the state of my (once and former) masochism?

There is wide variability in the definitions that I found on line for the word "masochistic."  This seemed to be the most inclusive/broadest of the ones that I found --

1.Psychiatry. the condition in which sexual gratification depends on suffering, physical pain, and humiliation.

2.gratification gained from pain, deprivation, degradation, etc., inflicted or imposed on oneself, either as a result of one's own actions or the actions of others, esp. the tendency to seek this form of gratification.

3.the act of turning one's destructive tendencies inward or upon oneself.

4.the tendency to find pleasure in self-denial, submissiveness, etc.
I have never been the sort of masochist described by definition #1.  I know those kind of masochists.  I've always envied them.  Master often refers back to a long-ago play partner that would come at the sound of Him pulling the zipper on His toybag...  That ability to transmute pain directly and reliably into erotic pleasure just seems almost magical to me.  But then, I think that the fact that salmon return each year to spawn in the same waters where they were born is pretty amazing too.  I can't tell left from right, and some fish with a brain the size of a walnut can out navigate me by pure, simple, untutored instinct.

Neither am I aligned at all with the sort of masochism in definition #3.  I am not prone to self-harm.  I can fall prey to melodrama and contemplate the possibilities of self-destructive behaviors -- wondering whether there might be some relief to emotional pain in cutting.  My curiosity, however, is purely intellectual.  Even in the depths of my Tallulah Bankhead inspired dramatic musings, I never find any actual impetus to really DO anything.

I am really much more some combination of masochist type #2 and masochist type #4.  I do tend to find pleasure and some almost mystical satisfaction and fulfillment in self-denial and submissiveness.  Probably, it is part of what Master is inclined to label as "some kind of perverse Catholic thing..."  I can, with relative ease, find my way into a sort of moving meditation that allows me to iron shirts and pack lunches and scrub floors with a deep and peaceful sense of calm.  I do derive some sort of gratification from our SM play and the pain that He inflicts on me.  In spite of the difficult passage through the actual event, I can come out the other side feeling sure and powerful and expanded in terms of my awareness.  I revel in being controlled -- in being left without any choice about what will and will not occur. 

None of that is really any different for me today than it was 8 or 9 years ago.  Surely, I have a significantly reduced pain tolerance these days.  I am much more likely to dissolve in tears and panic than I ever was in the very early days of our relating.  I know, intellectually, that we are not playing at the same levels that we once did -- and I am still convinced that I hurt more; hurt worse; hurt more inconsolably now than I ever did "back in the day."  The visceral experience belies what I think I know. 

I could speculate about what has precipitated the change.  I could theorize about why I struggle so much more at the age of 55 than I did at the age of 45.  I could blame my present reality on a whole host of circumstances and realities.  The fact is that none of it matters.  There is no way to go back and reclaim those former years; no way to undo the choices and mistakes and missteps; no way to clear away the wispy veils of the years and see that masochist clearly enough to use what she knew to make today any easier.

I think that, as He and I go forward, I may find my way to some sort of peace.  I believe that, as and if He wants me to step off and fly, it will happen.  I believe that if I  can find some sort of solid belief in my own self, in the choices I've made, I'll also recover my sense of power and joy in my own masochism.  I believe that if I can reconnect with Him, and through Him reconnect with the part of me that was a "sexy" and "sexual" woman, I'll be able to use that energy to power me into and through the kind of play we used to enjoy.

A masochist is a complicated critter.  There is no one way to be a masochist; no one way to experience the emotions and intricate pleasures of that path.  I am not, as my commenter friend pointed out, the same as I was back in the day, but I am far from done.  I am still learning and still growing, and still determined to meet His needs, fulfill His demands, thrill Him and thrill myself in the doing.



  1. Smiles...we are definitely complicated, both sadists and masochists alike.

    Those last few words 'thrill him, and thrill myself in the doing' really summed up what exists between HWMBA and I.

    Across the range of what we do, there are things I love, things I'm OK with, and things that, given the choice, I'd rather not do. Like you, I feel a 'loss' in what I'm able to cope with as I get older....whether in the moment, or simply by how tired I sometimes feel the following day.

    We often have to gear how hard we 'play' around my work schedules now.... wouldn't have ever thought we'd need to a few years ago. That's been hard for me to accept, but, as HWMBA says, it is what it is. He knows I do the very best I can, and that's all he's ever expected. In truth, its not realistic for either of us to expect any more.

    I feel for the 'loss' I often hear in your words my dear friend. I don't know if it helps to know you're not on your own. I hope you find your way to peace, regardless of whether you do or don't get back to the same level of 'play' you once enjoyed. I've found it helps if I simply live in the moment, not thinking back to what was, or forward to what might be.

    Much love dear friend....and a big hug.


  2. swan

    i am so sorry......... i honestly truly am :(


  3. Dear M:e -- thank you for being here. I know you understand exactly what it means to be living with diminishments. Embracing that can be a challenge all its own. Know how very much I appreciate your words and your presence in my world.


  4. morningstar -- stop. Your words likely only reflected what many others are thinking -- have been thinking. Having that perspective "out there" allows me to see it, examine it, address it and encompass it. Better a friend who will tell me the truth and listen to me deal with it than the host of naysayers who will gossip and snipe behind the scenes.

    No apology needed.


  5. May I wish you all the best in your search to find your way to serve both Him and yourself.

  6. Impish112:23 PM

    Agreed. We are not who we were. In some ways we are less, but in, oh how many ways, we are now so much more. Those who love us, including ouselves, must accept that. The pain thing...for so many the pleasure and gratification is not found in the moment, but on the other side.

  7. Thank you, Impish -- thank you for your wisdom, and for your steady and kind friendship. You are so welcome here.

    hugs, swan

  8. Impish111:44 AM

    Thank you, that means a great deal to me.


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