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This is about as crazy as it gets...

Lately, I have been obsessed with the stocks. They sit in our bedroom. I haven't been in the stocks since before the hysterectomy -- well over a year and a half. He sometimes threatens to put me in them, if I am fussy in a session, but in practice, the stocks have become a blanket rack. I don't know how I'd respond to being "in" the stocks at this point. My memory of being in them is that it was always mentally and emotionally difficult to just get there. But still, they are filling my imagination, lately -- and in the oddest way. I am not obsessing about being "in" the stocks. I really don't want to be "in" the stocks. And yet I seem to be just fascinated with them right now.

I am continually drawn to the notion of wanting to sleep in the base of the stocks. It is crazy really. I'm not even sure I could get my long, gangly frame curled into that space, and yet there is something that pulls at me. I wake up in the middle of the night and I swear I can "hear" them calling to me. I want to take a blanket and a pillow and just find a way to get myself into that space. There is something that feels to me as if sleeping there would be safe and enclosed and protected and connected somehow.

I don't entirely understand it. I wonder if it is like what I used to do in the days when I faced daily paddlings (when the requirement was that I would go to Him each day, with the paddle, and ask for Him to paddle me). I struggled terribly through that time period. The daily sessions of 100 paddle strokes became increasingly difficult to endure and to ask for as the weeks went on -- and I came to a point, eventually, where I would actually sleep with the paddle. It wasn't anything He suggested or required, I simply began at some point taking the paddle to bed with me, as if somehow holding it through the night would make it easier to cope with the next day.

I haven't gone to sleep in the bottom of the stocks. If He woke up and found me missing from His bed, He'd have an absolute fit, and there'd be no end of grief. I don't want those stocks. I don't want the switching He has mentioned a couple of times this summer. I don't want the daily "whip practice" that He promised late in the spring just before school ended. There is an entirely logical part of my brain that tells me that I will HATE those things if they actually happen, and that, if I say, "yes that is what I want," I will simply disappoint in the event.

I suspect that a good part of what is going on here is that I may need things that I don't really want. This is hard. I'm not a starry-eyed newbie, eager to try all sorts of interesting "fantasies." I've tried all the things I used to fantasize about. I know what happens when the paddles and whips start to swing -- it hurts like hell. I know that I'll cry and scream and beg and do anything within my power to make it stop. I know that, at the point that I ask for something, my ability to negotiate the levels of it all simply vanishes. The minute that I give voice to it, it becomes entirely His domain, and His domain is scary. It doesn't change the needing. Clearly, my mind will go where my courage will not. Until it drives me completely nuts.



  1. Anonymous3:05 PM

    Dear Swan

    Maybe I’m wrong (I almost always am.) but this blog sounds to me that you are ‘asking for it’.

    If I’m right, will you reward us with a picture of you in the stocks? - Both before and after.

    You’ve managed to get the dirty old man all interested and sweaty. Shame on you, Shame!


  2. Hmmmm.. Or as you pointed out/suggested in previous posts, the thing you actually hate is also the thing that keeps you centered and makes you feel Loved...?

    Could be me misreading my Freudian, but this sounds like you ar ein need of a "re-affirment" of some kind, and your mind's eye uses the strongest image available..grumblin

    (curses!! blogger doesn't want to sign me in....again.. :( )

  3. Anonymous5:54 PM

    Now just what would He say if He woke up and found you curled up in that little square?

    I'd really like to know. :)


  4. swan........ i find it interesting how your mind "plays tricks" on you.. as with this incident of the "stocks"..

    Once upon a long time ago.. i had a very good doctor explain to me that (and this is my case only !!!) when my brain started to visualize things it was ready to handle them... perhaps not all that gracefully.. but it was ready...... and we all know when the brain is ready the rest of the body follows.. no matter how terrifying the following is......

    i have studied your picture of the stocks and can't quite figure out how they work (senior's moment??) i understand where the head and hands go.. but the small holes at the opposite end...... do your feet fit in there???

    the reason i ask is simple.. i had a "thing" about stocks for a long time.. scared the devil out of me.. i didn't like the thought of not being able to move.. the ones Sir wanted to put me in were standing stocks.. but the feet were bound to the frame with clips and cuffs...... i couldn't face that.. Sir compromised.. i would put head and hands in but feet would be left free..

    it was a kind of game i played in my head.. if my feet were free i could dance away... (ok ok i never said it was smart game!!) it sort of worked.. Sir got me in the stocks for a session and i survived.. though i didn't much like the way i felt during..

    are there 'baby steps' (as Sir calls them ) that you could take to get there?? (where ever "there" is.. currently the stocks)

    i know how you struggle with each of these steps forward...... BUT if you look backwards ... just for a moment.. you have moved a long way forward from where you were just a short while ago........ right??

    what ever happens.. however it happens.. know i am walking beside you holding your hand..... we all have these speed bumps in the road of life.. some are just harder to get over than others.......

    morningstar (owned by Warren)

    ps.. hoping this comment "takes" and doesn't go poof into the black hole of the internet......

  5. Jack -- you may be right. I probably am "asking for it" at some level. As for pictures, those would have to be taken by Himself. Whether He chooses to do that in the event or not remains to be seen. If there come to be pictures, I imagine they'll show up here.


  6. grumblin -- I'm quite sure this is very close to what is going on. There is some definite "needing" happening just now, and that almost always shows up in the form of fairly intense imaginings. For me, those fantasies are always wrapped up in fairly high level approach/avoidance issues. I tend to experience fear and longing at almost equal levels. So, it falls to Him to navigate the currents. All I can do is lay out what is happening and then trust that He will guide me through it all.


  7. kaya -- If He woke up and didn't find me where I am SUPPOSED to be He'd be so upset that anything that might be viewed as "charming" about finding me curled up in that square would be completely over-ridden. I doubt very much that at that point He'd take time out to discuss what motivated the whole business.


  8. morningstar -- I do think that there is some truth to the notion that I may be "ready" to tackle the stocks again. And, it still scares the willies out of me. The stocks were a huge hurdle for me when I first got them for Him, and I'm not expecting them to be a lot easier now -- but there is a part of me that is ready to start back down that road again (I think).

    These are "standing" stocks. The head and hands go in the holes in the upright portion of the frame. The two pieces with holes in the base slide in a couple of grooves and are where my feet/ankles fit. Once I'm in the contraption, I am pretty seriously held immobile AND the position is fairly uncomfortable for someone as tall as I am. Add to that the reality that the wood is just so totally unforgiving and I find the whole monster pretty intimidating. Usually, my first issue is getting in there and just getting through the issue of some sort of reasonable breathing that is not utterly wiped out by complete, unreasoning panic.

    We likely won't get to it in the next few days -- the schedule is intense here. But stay tuned. He knows what's in my head now, so there will be a day... It is only a question of when.


  9. swan:

    0h my lord!!! Those are standing stocks???!!!! i would never have thought so by looking at them.... when i read that mind pictured the position one would be in.... and oh my lord !!! i couldn't do it.. no way no how!!!


    morningstar (owned by Warren)

  10. morningstar... Here are some pictures from a long while back...

    That's how it works.


  11. Anonymous8:55 PM

    i found this the most telling line:
    "I suspect that a good part of what is going on here is that I may need things that I don't really want."
    and think maybe it's the crux of the matter, more than the diversionary discussion about stocks or what-not. which is not to diminish the intimidating nature of the stocks and what they represent ...

    so, my question is this: how in the world do we own - i mean, really accept - what we need when sometimes it's certainly not what we want, not something we can embrace easily, even w/motivation & practice? what is that need really telling us? aren't these, ultimately, time & again, the internal conflicts of ANY choice that falls far enough outside the bounds of "normal?" what does this say about me, what does it mean about me?

    makes me think, and appreciative to you who stirs me to really contemplate these things. thank you!

  12. Anonymous9:07 PM

    Ahh.. I didn't even think about you having to stay in bed. Duh. I was thinking that He'd see you lying there and be all weirded out or

    Master lusts over getting a set of stocks. Me? Not so much. I like to wiggle. Those don't appear to offer much in the way of wiggle room.



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