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Amazing Pride

Today we joined with something like 100,000 people to celebrate Pride Fest in Columbus. We drove the 90 miles from home in torrential rains, only to find the sun shining on the parade route. We actually rode in the parade, waving and interacting with people lined up 8 or 9 deep for the entirety of the nearly two-mile long distance through the heart of our state's capital. Kids, parents, couples of all combinations, elders, people of every race, people with disabilities, people of every shape, size, and description, and lots and lots of great dogs -- It was a wonderful celebration of community, inclusivity, and self-determination.

The event, sponsored by Stonewall Columbus, is a joyful, open, wonderful celebration for the GLBT and Q community, and allied groups and organizations.

We had a wonderful time. By the time we arrived at the end of the parade route, we were thrilled and energized by the whole experience. For us, it was another opportunity to be in a community setting where we are not considered "odd, strange, or wrong." For the space of time we spent in that throng, we were just people, enjoying the day, enjoying the crowd, enjoying one another -- celebrating our lives together with a host of others doing the same thing.

We did encounter a few protesters scattered along the parade route -- church groups out shouting "scripture" to back their hatred. They were, for the most part, simply ignored -- allowed to do their thing, and simply given no satisfaction in the way of response. One of the people who rode in the car with us was stunned to see "Christians spewing such hatred." Sigh. There were some great, creative approaches to "answering" these attacks. One fellow stood next to a ranting Bible thumper with a sign that read, "My boyfriend is a right-wing, fundamentalist, wack-job." Cute.


  1. A well organized, inclusive event. We saw an entire community embrace an often ortracised part of the whole. It was a wonderful day, bracketted by HORRIBLE rain and thunderstorms. But other than a tinkle of a sprinkle before the parade, the sun was our friend. Swan and I are pink, being the fair-skinned pair of the Clan, we are tender and burn easily. But it was WELL worth it.

    We incountered friends, new and old and it was just a "gay ole' party"....doesn't that just make the GOP wanna spit?

    And what about the tiny dog in aviator goggles?? Whata hoot!


  2. I was THRILLED to see the three of you in the parade! I got pics of you, which I'll forward later. With nearly 100,000 people to sort through it's no surprise we didn't find you folks at the festival!

  3. Way to go, Heron Clan! What a great picture.

    I watched a Canadian pride parade on the TV news last night and thought of you in your parade.

    Too bad about the hecklers using Christianity for exactly the opposite purpose it was intended to serve. Sigh.


  4. How wonderful you got to participate. Hopefully, someday the GLBT community will be recognized and accepted. What a shame that so many Christians are so judgmental and condemning, when scripture directs them to be loving and accepting.


  5. What a great picture of you guys! It is great that you were able to participate in it like that. What a wonderful time and experience! :)

    We really wanted to head to Denver for theirs but we had work. :(

  6. PaunFarr-- we were just amazed to spot the two of you in that incredible throng! We had, not long before that, said "wonder if J and R are here?" And then, there you were! We actually weren't able to stay for the festival because we needed to get home and prepare a birthday celebration for Master's eldest. Too bad, because by all appearances, it was a heck of a great party.

    Looking forward to seeing your photo...

    Hugs, swan


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