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We are three adults living in a polyamorous triad family. The content here is intended for an adult audience. If you are not an adult, please leave now.


What Brings You Here?

Sometimes a comment sets off a cascade of thoughts and ideas, and that is true of a most recent comment.  It has set me off on a whole series of mental conversations.  I am done with school for the year, and so I'm inclined to pick up those threads and spin them out here over the next few posts... until my head stops chattering.

So, I know that my commenter reads here regularly, and has done so for a very long time.  I also know that she bears me some significant amount of personal animosity.  It makes me wonder why she continues to read.  That leads me to wonder, in a more general sense. what it is that attracts people.  Why do people read blogs in general, and more particularly, why do people read this blog?

I think that some read this blog (and others like it) because they want to connect.  They want to know and feel that they are not alone.  Especially for those of us who live in alternative relationships and who establish relationships that are other than what is defined as 'normal' in the more mainstream society, feeling like your way of life can be healthy and good and "normal" in some sense is really important.  Blogging has given me access to the wider world of people who live lives that are like mine in some ways (even as we recognize and compare the places where our lives are very different).  As I've come to know others like me, I've formed attachments and friendships...  Of course, not everyone is a friend, and not everyone likes me.

Some people who read blogs are just curious.  They wonder what it is that we do, and what it might be like to live like this.  They wonder what motivates us, and they wonder why we are the way we are.  I think that humans are inherently curious animals.  We want to know and we want to understand.  The quintessential two-year old questioning that asks continually, "why?" really never leaves us.  We want to know.  Sometimes that curiosity is just nosiness, and perhaps an inclination to being gossipy -- for spreading rumors and telling tales.  But most curiosity is healthy and normal.  Blogging, and the reading of blogs allows us to satisfy our interest in people; to come to "know" our fellow travelers on the paths we follow through our lives.  We are, simply, social creatures, and that drives us to look at each other and wonder and ask and contemplate -- how are we alike and how are we different and why?

For some people, blogs like this one are attractive because they feel close and intimate.  I have often compared this place to my living room, and the experience of entering the conversation here can be (in the best of circumstances) like sitting down together with a cup of tea for a nice friendly chat.  When readers feel that what they find written on a particular blog is authentic; when they feel that the writing has some degree of integrity and honesty, then they are more likely to engage in that blog experience.

Other people read blogs to learn, or to escape into realms of fantasy and imagination.  People new to the lifestyle, or who are trying to learn new skills may read blogs to acquire basic kinds of information.  Let's face it, blogs are a free source of information.  Of course, to quote the song lyric, "nothing ain't worth nothing, but it's free."  I have always struggled with the idea that this blog might be construed as any sort of "authoritative" source for lifestyle information.  It has felt important to me to be clear that I am no expert and no guru.  I don't generally give advice, and there is very little here of the typical "how to."  Still, I do think there are those who read here because they find bits of material that is "instructive" in some sense.

I think some people find "inspiration" as they read at some blogs.  Maybe inspiration for ways to do things, or inspiration for ways to change things, or just the inspiration to dream and hope and believe and risk going for the things that you want in your life.  Again, I am not convinced that this blog is particularly "inspirational," but then I suppose that inspiration is where you find it.

I'm not sure that any of that explains my most recent commenter's interest in this place.  Not wanting to ascribe negative motives, I still cannot deny that there are those who visit blogs with agendas that are driven by jealousy, bitterness, judgement, self-righteousness, and spite.

In the end, I guess I am left with my own curiosity:  why do you read here ... or on other blogs?  What brings you here?



  1. Hi swan!

    Glad you asked. At first many years ago, it began as a way to explore something different. We don't have a poly lifestyle so it was shear curiosity that brought mouse here. What she learned is that the three of you do completely love and care for each other.

    Why mouse continues to read your blog is because....well she likes you all! To sit and be somewhat of a cheerleader for you all waving the Pom-Poms when things are good. Offering support when things aren't. Sometimes we laugh, sometimes we's all part of life.

    Hugs and love,

    1. Thank you, mouse :-) I am glad for your friendship, and I will welcome all the cheerleading that you want to bring. I have very much valued our connection in the last few years. Again, I know that our lives are different in significant ways, but I also recognize and appreciate the places where our shared experiences create understanding.

      All the best,

  2. Hi Swan

    I guess I come here (most days) because I am interested in Sue and Tom and T - I am interested in how your lives are going at the moment - pleased that it isn't as DIFFICULT as it has been - nosiness perhaps. Your writing makes me want to come and listen again and again. I liken it to sitting in your kitchen (or mine, but I'll need to tidy it up first!!!!) and chatting.


    1. Ana -- I have often thought that it would be a wonderful thing to gather together in one another's kitchens ... to sit and chat face to face. Thanks for being here.


  3. You were one of the first blogs I found,,,even before I found Master. My first experience in M/s was with a possible poly...that did not work out...You were my shining light, my information, my can I not keep returning?
    hugs abby

    1. abby, In the end, isn't that what we do for and with each other? Share dreams. Encourage. Cheer. And offer a hug from across the miles when it is needed.


  4. Ordalie10:07 PM

    I've been reading you for many years, I was at first fascinated by your lifestyle. As years went by I felt you were like dear long-distance relatives I was getting more and more acquainted with, sharing their lives, their joys, their struggles and basking in the love you obviously have for one another.
    I admire the way you take a topic, give it a lot of thought, weigh it carefully and very often draw conclusions that are different from mine, widening thus my outlook (I hope I make myself understood, I know my English isn't what it should be). You have no preconceived opinion about anything, and that's quite refreshing.
    And you have a very beautiful style.

  5. Ordalie, thank you. It is sometimes hard to know if the work that goes into writing this kind of blog gets noticed and appreciated. I am glad that you find what you read here to be something that "widens your outlook." And, by the way, you absolutely make yourself understood. Your English is remarkably good, and much much better than my French :-)

    All the best,

  6. I too have seen you as family for a long time. It's connection and your writing, and the trials and tribulations and how you have managed to overcome them. I would like to visit you guys one day and have a real cup of coffee while we chat.
    Mystress Swan

  7. I read your blog because you are a friend of mine, Sue. You are someone out of the ordinary, articulate and intelligent, with interesting tales to tell.


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