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If one asks to be led, then it is important to remember to follow.
Sometimes the routines of life can lull me into a sense that it has always been this way, and that as far as I can see into the future, it will always be this way.
I can forget that it was His simple command that brought me to Him from 1200 miles away over four years ago. Now, again, it may be that His vision could lead all of us to someplace totally new and far away from here.
I suspect that the current impetus toward movement has roots in the increasingly conservative tenor of things in our nation and here in our city. Too, there is the continuing foreign policy that keeps our nation at war, and so many of our young men and women once again at risk of death and injury in an endless and fruitless war. So, He looks northward toward Canada, and dreams of Nova Scotia.
He spent almost all of the day on Sunday, looking and looking at information about Nova Scotia - the promised land... I do not know what lies ahead, but I know that His vision often becomes reality. Often.
What will this mean? I do't know. I'm not sure, at this point that any of us really know. We are talking a lot. And this summer, perhaps, we will travel north and east to visit and survey the lay of the land and check it out. Who knows? At the very least perhaps the Clan Heron will get the chance to visit some of the local haunts -- this one looks intriguing for the "birds" around our place don't you think?


  1. Anonymous11:25 AM

    Beautiful, beautiful country!
    A bit lonely.
    A lot majestic!
    And the birds, oh my the birds!

  2. Anonymous2:45 PM

    NS - absolutely lovely - what Mel said!!
    It is a beautiful place, I would *love* to live there :0)

  3. you do realize don't you swan.. if you come North and East ... you had better travel through this province i call home and accept our invitation to at least a dinner/barbque out in the back.. and a wonderful visit.. if not an overnight stay!!!

    morningstar (owned by Warren)

  4. Well, mel -- the birds could present a problem. We'll have to protect Himself from all the killer, attack avian types... long story ;-) Other than that, I do appreciate the affirmation from both you and littoral on this potential adventure.

    morningstar -- can't imagine that this clan would decline the opportunity to finally get a chance to actually meet you if we got within any sort of proximity. We'd be absolutely thrilled to take you up on that invitation. Stay tuned for details when/as things start to form up.



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