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We are three adults living in a polyamorous triad family. The content here is intended for an adult audience. If you are not an adult, please leave now.



Sometimes, maybe even a lot of the time, when people hear that we are "poly," the very first question(s) that they ask (if they aren't trying to be polite) is where/how/with whom does everyone sleep? We often duck those question(s), figuring it really isn't anyone else's business, but the truth of the matter is, that when it comes to the complexities of LIVING poly, who sleeps where, and with whom, and when is simple compared with FILES...

I know. Files are not particularly interesting or sexy. We're talking folders and labels and cabinets and little funny plastic tabs and alphabetical order here. But trust me, when the detail work of establishing and maintaining a viable filing system for household records is not attended to, all HELL breaks loose. It becomes difficult and then impossible to pay bills, manage finances, check medical records, or make a whole host of important life decisions when the paper work needed to document a family's legal and financial dealings is in disarray. It is just essential, in today's world to be able to get hands on the papers that pertain to assets and decisions and transactions -- and to do it expeditiously.

When you put multiple adults together, as we have, you also put multiple records together. Our multiple records comprise the financial and historical details of lengthy and eventful lifetimes (we are none of us youngsters). There are "important papers" that simply must be kept with some care and some sort of organizational strategy. The reality is, that when we first got together, the part of the paperwork that was "possessed by" Master and T was being newly incorporated into their relatively newly forming household, and the part of the paperwork that was "possessed by" my part of the family had just been uprooted and dragged across the continent from Colorado. At first, we maintained it in two separate households when we saw ourselves as a "quad." After my divorce, we began, slowly, to merge the two households, and the FILES began gradually to meld. It was a slow and not entirely conscious process...

Frankly, FILES should not be allowed to organize themselves without conscious intervention from someone with a plan. From my limited observations, this does not work well...

At any rate, this summer, I decided, finally, after struggling against the kluge that our mismatched filing systems had become, that it was time for a total overhaul -- time to establish (at long last) The Heron Clan FILING System... May we have a drum roll, please?

I know, I know. This does not get anyone's panties wet, or make any dick's hard. Oh well. Sorry. I am simply thrilled. I have worked, and sweated, and talked to myself for days. I have labeled and alphebetized and cursed and muttered (and hauled a significant pile of junk to the recyle bin). It is done and I am well satisfied. Even more important, so is Master. We have a system that I am sure will make it possible for us to function well and efficiently and sanely. No more piles of unfiled, loose, unidentified crap. Our stuff will be where we can find it.

Small service, I know. Still. It is good. I know this.





    I've only got two adults files to orgainse adn we're both in our early 20's but man is it a hard thing to do. It most certainly is not a small thing!!! (care to share your secret or will in involve having to kill me afterwards?)

    Well done!!


  2. organising the files is next on my list of summer jobs.... i tend to wonder how i can be SO bloody organised (anal even) at work and so hit and miss here at home... everything is such a mish mash of clumps.. and i only have me to file for!!! but there is the business.... so does that count as two???

    well done swan .. perhaps?? maybe?? with luck ?? you have spurred me on to get it done?? rather than sitting out in the sunshine reading????

    hope you are enjoying your summer break.........

    morningstar (owned by Warren)

  3. I have tottered over and peeked and it looks loverly, me lovey!!

    Swan had gotten so frustrated with the entire mess, that she had a basket on top of the file drawers. She was saying "Just put it in there and I will get to it"....I could see it was making her INSANE!!! She has, indeed, worked for days on this system and it is WONDERFUL!!! Not only has she organized the Heron Clan.... and with Tom as a third of the pie that is no simple task.... but has taken complete and total care of all 3 of us at the same time.

    It might not be sexy, hot, and "hubba hubba mama"....but DANG! She IS good!!!


  4. A very important job swan, very well done.
    It was only after my Mel died, that I realised how important household files are.
    I'm a bit older than Tom at 70+ and I'm doing my friend who is my executor a favour by having a well ordered file of records.
    Once again swan, they may only be details, but very important one's.

  5. I like doing those kind of services...after of course - during it is frustrating though! So CONGRATS on getting it done!

    Just a side note to something you said at the beginning of your post...but it never bothered me when people asked me about our bedroom situation when I was in the poly family. I don't know why though...because I always get annoyed by sexual and SM questions after people learn that I am in a M/s dynamic. If that is their first question - but if they ask in a resepctfully and not just because they want masturbation fodder then I am okay with questions. Okay now I am babbling and babbling! :)

    Congrat again on getting all 3 of you organized and filed!


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