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Standing on Their Shoulders -- Giving Some of it Back

I've been very lucky.

There were more than a few, who in my exploratory beginnings of the lifestyle, shared generously of their knowledge and their wisdom; who were willing to show me what they had learned and experienced as they traveled the path that lay still ahead of me. I benefitted in large and small ways because I had access to that depth of understanding at a time when I had far more enthusiasm and starry-eyed wonder than good sense...

There was a nurse who's name I do not remember anymore. She was a member of the club where my husband and I played frequently in our early days. She was the first to debunk the "myth" of that "Safe, Sane, and Consensual" mantra. She told me in no uncertain terms: "what we do is not safe. Decide what you will do, and what you will not do, but know that none of it is SAFE. There are risks to all of it." She scared me, but she made me look at the reality of the risks that I was taking.

There was an older and more experienced submissive, who, when I bemoaned the fact that my husband was not consistent enough, not Dominant enough, not this enough, and not that enough, simply looked at me, and told me -- "This is not about you, this is about learning to serve and anticipate his needs and meet his desires. Submissives submit."

There were experienced players in the dungeon where we played, who shared their skills; who shared their knowledge; who simply played and let me watch and learn.

There were older slaves, whose grace and skill and poise and calm gave me a model that I tried to comprehend and emulate.

There were so many guides, mentors, and teachers. Not all of them were gentle. Not all of them were kind. Not all of them were subtle. There were several along the line who yanked me up short, and (at least figuratively) smacked me silly. Those who thought I was being foolish, self-absorbed, or just plain stupid, didn't waste any time in letting me know about it. More than a few hurt my pride and pissed me off. But I survived and I grew and I learned. More importantly, I probably avoided a number of potentially really bad choices.

I know I never said the appropriate "thank you's." Didn't understand the gift at the time, and truth to tell, had I tried it, I'd have embarrased most of them -- it just doesn't work that way. I do think, however, that it probably does work this way: those of us who get given that sort of gift have some obligation to pass on what is given to us.

It is part of what drives me to want to reach out, sometimes, to those who are beginning the journey -- especially to those who seem terribly sincere and earnest.

One of the places that I tend to get most crazy is when I sense that we, who have been at this awhile, have not done a very good job of posting "DANGER AHEAD" signs... I think it is one of my particular pet peeves. It is much easier now than it was when I found my way to all of this, to simply sit down at your computer, and find a whole raft of sort of "normal" seeming people all writing and talking about doing BDSM at all kinds of different levels. You don't have to hang around the blogosphere very long before you can get caught up in the whirl of D/s and M/s blogs where everyday "everyone" is reporting on how hot and steamy and intense their BDSM life is...

It makes me anxious. It makes me nervous. It makes me crazy. I worry that there just almost certainly HAVE to be sincere and earnest relatively new explorers out there, without much in the way of real life experience; without anyone to sit down with them face to face; without a real place to go and watch and learn -- who are trying to keep up and compete. I think that is dangerous and wrong.

I got myself into "trouble" recently commenting (with undue terseness) over at Tea and Oranges, because of this exact sort of thing. They're one of the most amazingly intelligent and eloquent couples, I've found exploring their blossoming BDSM relationship together. I reacted somewhat intensely to language in a post on their blog referring to "The Beast." It is an expression I am seeing more and more often -- it pops up all over the place these days. Frankly it is a "fad" that I find disturbing because it is imagery that I find dangerous for players without much experience or knowledge. "The Beast" may have a place in serious SM power exchange, but it is turf that ought not to be trod lightly. I'm afraid I wasn't as gentle, or as subtle as I might have been, but I got a sudden visceral hit of two relatively new players caught up in a sort of trying to "keep up" with everyone else, rather than following the path and speed that makes the best sense for them. I may have diagnosed it incorrectly, but it scared the willies out of me. I think the "older ones" among us have an obligation to be careful and at least vigilant with what we say and how we say it -- we ought to at least acknowledge the liklihood that some who read what we write will take what we say and "try it at home."

Oh well. I annoyed those folks. I surely didn't mean to. So, I'll nod (metaphorically speaking in two directions) -- their way with apologies, and toward my own past guides and teachers with deep gratitude.



  1. Anonymous1:07 AM

    another great post, swan.

    it's easy to get caught up in, get lost in coming to terms with oneself in terms of BDSM. there is so much potential for intensity, for overwhelm. oh, the tender places we go. let us all go slow!

    in another role in my life, i have a teacher who made it clear that for her to teach me, i must teach it when the time is right. and so, part of my learning is learning to teach what i am learning. (say that fast 36 times)

    all this, a self-indulgent way to say: exactly!

  2. Anonymous1:28 AM

    Hello, Swan. I saw your post over at Tea and Oranges before I came here. I think it was an intelligent and honest exchange by both parties. Frankly, there are too few rich and thoughtful discussions like it in the blogosphere. I encountered this post at your blog at the end of a long day thinking about BDSM and what role it might play in my life. I am no youngster, but certainly a newbie to real life BDSM. I have repressed my submissive tendencies for most of my adult life and am now experiencing a considerable amount of regret that I’ve been unable to accept this “thing” inside of me until now.

    I have been following a handful of blogs written by submissives in power exchange relationships, as well as reading other articles online in order to better understand what next steps I might take. I’m not sure anymore what’s representative of this “lifestyle” (if there is such a thing as “representative,” or “lifestyle” for that matter) and fear I may be getting a skewed account. So I finally worked up the courage to attend my first munch this weekend. I feel good about attending, but I’m more confused than ever as to how I might ultimately achieve a satisfying relationship in this new world. While I felt that I was certainly among folks with whom I shared a common interest, I also felt that perhaps I was fooling myself to think that I would fit in. I’m sure I stood out like the newbie I am, but I hope I didn’t appear as a poser. I am truly in search of information and a support group of sorts. I am struggling quite a bit with apprehension about what my future might hold. I don’t want to do something dumb at this stage of my life, but neither do I want to continue denying what I now realize has been a part of my being since grade school.

    Anyway, I fear I may be rambling at this late hour; I simply wanted to tell you that I found your post inspiring and hopeful. It is this type of candor and wisdom that I am searching for. I look forward to reading through your archives and stopping by to see what’s new. Thanks again.


  3. Swan,
    This is a great post! Passing on what one has learned is a responsibility too few people are willing to take on. I applaud you for not only doing it, but for being willing to write about it openly as well.

    As far as having "annoyed" us... I would rather say that you made a comment which made me uncomfortable enough to have to examine that discomfort. And, to me, that's a very valuable thing.

    On these types of blogs, most commenters are supportive, but sometimes too supportive in the name of fitting in, or making friends, or even driving traffic to their own site. So, whenever anyone makes a comment that asks an honest question that forces me to really examine myself, I am always appreciative. My only hope with these types of comments is that they are respectful - which yours was.

    Sometimes the most valuable part of mentoring is letting those less exprerienced than you understand that you and your wealth of experience are simply, present. And part of being mentored is to get past one's ego enough to engage with that "older" presence.

    I'm very happy that you made that comment. And though I can't say I was happy to feel uncomfortable with it, I am quite happy with where the process of dealing with my discomfort has brought me so far ;)

  4. traveler, thank you for passing through, and for the kind words. Please feel free to stop in any time. It sounds like your teacher is wise -- one of the best ways to integrate what we learn is to teach it to others...

    I am not sure that all of what there is to know about BDSM needs to be tackled slowly. Sometimes it really is good and fun to just jump right in and see what's out there. But, the fact is that there are places where the water is deep and the currents swift -- I worry that there are a lot of people on their own without anyone to put a cautionary hand on the shoulder and say, "it might be good to go a little slowly around this curve..."


  5. Hello rdmk -- I am glad to meet you. Welcome to "the life!" You know that all of us were new to this at some point. It is a good and exciting thing to be at the beginning, although it can also be daunting and confusing.

    If you have found a local munch and made contact, that seems like a very good first step, even if it felt awkward to you. My experience has been that people who've been in the life for awhile understand how really difficult it is to be new, and surely did not see you as a "poser" (no matter that you may have felt that way yourself).

    The best advice I can give you is to listen to people that you meet, talk to them, evaluate carefully. You will find all sorts of folks --some will be wonderful, and some will be less so, but if you pay attention, you will learn a lot. The BDSM community reflects the wider society, no better and no worse, so the whole range of people can be found within our ranks.

    As to making the connection that you are seeking, obviously that is going to take some work, but it can happen. Don't get impatient, but start making the contacts that will put you in touch with the people that share your interests. Go slowly and protect yourself. There are those who will take advantage, but there are also good, caring people. You have self-knowledge. That is your best asset.

    If you would like to email me, I'd be glad to correspond with you.


  6. Hi Tea -- I am feeling GLAD for our ongoing conversation, and for the thinking that it has led me to do. Thank you for the seeds that your writing planted in my mind, and for the openess to the conversation. I hope you keep visiting here -- I know I'll be around your place from now on.

    Best to you :-)


  7. Anonymous2:52 PM

    Thank you for the words of advice, Swan. Perhaps I am on the right path after all, even though it feels awkward at this juncture. Your comment about the BDSM community reflecting wider society is something I will do well to keep in mind. Thanks also for the invitation to correspond. Don't be surprised if I take you up on it! :-)


  8. swan... i feel i have little to contribute to what has already been said.. but i do believe that it is a duty to pass along information .. be it in the lifestyle or otherwise (think it might be the "teacher" in me?? )

    i know that often times i feel i overstep myself just a little when i advise going slowly... but i do so remember those first days of "submissive frenzy" where i wanted it all NOW... and i - like you - was lucky enough to find someone to take me under their wing and lead me slowly and cautiously into this wonderful life...

    it does worry me when i see "newbies" rushing headlong into it all... but then sometimes i have found it is just as wise to offer a hand to pick them up when they fall and pat their bruises and allow them to struggle on..
    such is the journey .......

    morningstar (owned by Warren)


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