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How Do They Know?

That is the daily stat chart for The Heron Clan. Nevermind that they are the sort of pitiful numbers that would put some "star" quality bloggers to shame. They are our numbers and that is just the way they are. What is interesting about it is that little stretch there in the middle where, for a few days, our hits jump up into the 200's. Those are the first few days after the "Flogging Frame" post went up with its few embedded pictures of my whipped butt. There isn't anything much about that post that will key anyone that it is inherently "sexy" or "hot." The pictures are not really the primary reason for the post to exist, and the text doesn't bring you into the thing if you are searching for most of the usual keywords that typically would clue people that there's something overtly "pornographic" about the piece. It sure as heck didn't garner anything outrageous by way of comments.

So, I don't get it. How do all these people know to come and look? Is there some sort of underground telegraph-style, cyberspace version of smoke-signals that passes the word that there are naked butt pictures at such and such a site? How do they find out? Word obviously gets around and people obviously are "in the loop." To me it is a great, deep mystery. I can see the numbers, but I can't figure out the mechanism. And... since I tend to lie awake at night and stare at the ceiling these days, this one just bugs the crap out of me... Someone explain it to me, please. How do the perverts of the world find out when my butt goes on display?



  1. Hi there, I've decided at last to come out of the woodwork and say hi. You gave the link to your site on one of the mailing lists I'm on (I want to say the general Poly one, but I'm not entirely sure) and I've been avidly reading your site since then.

    I like that you're real, you voice your opinions and fears, the ups and downs of the Lifestyle that you've chosen. I particularly can relate to mental health issues, which I believe that you touched on briefly a few posts ago.

    What I wanted to suggest to you is maybe another counter. I use Statcounter, which has a log limit, but gives me goodies such as vistors' paths, length of visit, keywords searched. It's limited in the amount of visits that it stores but I like it anyways. Also wanted to say that my number look NOTHING like that. I'm lucky if I get 25 hits in a day, I average around 10 and I've been keeping my blog for about a year and a half now. I do however have a high repeat visitor rate, which I'm happy about.

    Anyways enough babbling about my blog. If you want, I'd invite you to check out my baby and maybe we can swap links.

  2. Hi swan, we have similar numbers that spike when we put pics up too. We have asked ourselves your exact question many times. Like you, i (we) just don't get it. We say the same thing, "How do they know?
    i don't have the answer but i can say you are not alone in your confusion.

    Destiny's chance

  3. You also had a lag between posts. I am sure a few of us pinged numbers up coming back to look for the latest chapter in your lives :)

  4. Hi Jess... nice to meet you. Please feel free to link to us if you like. We're glad to have more friends anytime. We'll add you here as well.


  5. Hi chance... nice to "talk" with you, & glad to know that I am not the only one who finds this phenomenon strange and confusing. Oh well. Not a crisis -- just one of life's curiosities.


  6. Anonymous2:54 PM

    I wonder if there isn't a photo crawler. I know there is something like that on livejournal that searches for the latest photos added. Perhaps some people have some sort of photo-feed?

    Honestly I'm clueless abou internet things like that so I don't know how it works. I can't even figure out RSS feed. :D


  7. *Grin*

    There is an "underground telegraph" thing around, although it's a lot less sinister than it sounds..

    a few would be because you actually feature in the pictures, real, raw material.. Is pretty rare nowadays given that most "spanking blogs" go by on ripping off the free preview pics of commercial sites..

    But I think most would hit that article simply because it contains actual pictures of a Household Solution to a "problem", in such a way and clarity that you can actually copy/adapt it.
    That would create plenty of smoke signals and drumbeats down the grapevine of infrequent visitors, as such things are few and far between.

    It's fun enough to dream about building Gordian Contraptions, or kit/equipment of Hogtied quality, but that is well outside of most peoples' pockets and/or DIY skillzz.
    Pics that show How To Build day-to-day stuff is sheer gold..


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