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Hands Up!

kaya gave me the idea for this one, and she's way better than me at fisting herself, and at taking pictures of the deed. I am just a total klutz with the digital camera, and not being able to see what you are pointing the thing at is even tougher. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, there are pictures of my "parts" at the end of all of this. You have been warned. There's plenty of time to turn back now, or maybe you would prefer the scenery here...


There's been no fisting in my life for probably three years. That is entirely my fault. I've been entirely, utterly, unreasonably terrified at the whole prospect since my surgery -- imagining the bit of what is left of my "girly parts" as disconnected, unsupported, drastically shortened, and vulnerable to some sort of catastrophic breakthrough at the top end. So, everytime we've approached this (and I used to absolutely love fisting) I've panicked, and He's stopped rather than take a chance on traumatizing me.

There was a time when I was pretty adventurous, but I've grown steadily more timid and more withdrawn sexually in the last years. I want to reverse that trend, and I understand that the responsibility for doing that is on my shoulders.

This little trick really works for me from the standpoint of helping to allay my fears about the potential disastrous consequences of fisting. My hand and my fingers are right there exploring the unknown of my revamped plumbing. I am learning the geography of things, so the unknown won't perhaps loom so menacingly in my imagination.

I wasn't entirely successful this time. Along with the challenges of the fisting itself, there are all the issues of the contortions required -- my aging muscles and joints aren't all that excited about imitating a pretzel these days. No wild, rolicking orgasms either, and I do remember that used to be part of the deal. Perhaps it is a little like tickling yourself? Or maybe it is just that I didn't really get the whole fist in. Still, it is a start. My grandmother would have said, "Nothing ventured, nothing gained." So, I'm off and "venturing." Grandma would be proud (maybe).

At any rate, I'm thinking that kaya's got a great idea here. Maybe we ought to form a "hands up" club.



  1. Anonymous7:14 PM

    Ok. I have to admit, first off, that my favorite part of both yours and kaya's pics is that gooey, wet, lubed up, glistening look.
    Beyond that...
    Terrific strategy!
    My own sexuality has been oddly "off" the past year or so and I blame it on hormones all the time. (perimenopause does suck.

    Maybe taking matters into my own hands is the way to go.

    It's probably much easier to be experimental and wild and joyous with a partner if you remind yourself how fun it can be alone!

  2. Anonymous9:03 PM

    ok.........i'm going to give it a try......wish me luck

    p.s lovely pix, thank you for sharing.

    Big Hugs
    His mija~

  3. Anonymous10:02 PM

    This is great! I'm all in favor of you 'taking matters into your hands'. ;-)

    Do you think it'll help to reassure you that everything is where it should be and that it will be okay for your Master to take matters into HIS hands sometime soon?

    Your method looks good! It is not easy to get those pics, one handed and twisted up. I am impressed!



  4. ok.... baby hands up!! gimme gimme..

    geeeeeee thanks swan i am gonna have that song running through my head for the rest of the day......

    On the serious side.. how does one fist - period?? forget the twisted like a pretzel thing.. what if i wanted Sir to fist me? He has tried.. and there have been others before Him with much (trust me MUCH) smaller hands.. and it just doesn't work.......

    no fear on my side.. i want this so bad i can taste it..

    However my bones refuse to spread..even a tiny weeny bit.. Sir can get everything in .. up to the last joint on His thumb (sort of) and then it just won't go any further.. and nothing i do works either......

    Could it have something to do with the fact that i could not .. absolutely impossible .... deliver my girl's naturally.. the head just wouldn't fit ........

    am i doomed to a life of no fisting?? never mind 'hands up'??

    morningstar (owned by Warren)

  5. OK, then -- girl talk time:

    First of all, Carrie Ann -- You are right, perimenopause is an absolute nightmare, and "fixing" the nightmare surgically only made things worse in my case. But, I have sat here like the "damsel in distress" for almost 3 years, hoping to be rescued from my plight. That clearly isn't going to happen, so I figure I need to work this out myself. I hope that your issues can get better soon...

    Mija -- Absolutely! I'm wishing you all the very best luck. Have much fun!

    Kaya -- Thanks for the words of affirmation, and yes, I am hoping that I can learn what's what "in there." I figure that can serve two purposes: settle my fears, and allow me to play advance scout for Master. Maybe I can help us both figure out what's what so we can move ahead in a direction that works for us both.

    Morningstar -- I am NOT the fisting expert. I know that Deborah Addington maintains that there are very few women who cannot fist. That would seem to mean that there ARE a few who can't do it. I know that T has anatomical issues that make it impossible in her case. I would think that a hand in the "insert" position would likely be smaller than the head of a baby, so the fact that your birth canal might have been too small for your babies to pass through doesn't necessarily mean that it is too small to accommodate a hand. Probably only a good, understanding, kink-aware doctor could really answer that part of your question. It is a fun one to ask -- really. Causes doctors to gulp and take a really deep breath. Beyond that, I know that even when we were fisting regularly, there was no getting past that muscle ring without some real pushing and some momentary but illuminating pain... Sorry. I don't have the answers. I am just out here trying to make my way...

    Hugs, swan

  6. Anonymous9:05 PM


    I second what Swan said about the pain part. And I will mention too that some days, for whatever reason, are much much MUCH worse than others. Like, I literally feel like He's ripping me from front to back, the pain is so sharp. Not to mention the internal pain that sometimes accompanies the process. Feels like I'm already "full" and He's reorganizing my organs. Ouch.

    I also remember the 'hitting bone' sensation. The candle? I never thought it would go. I swear it was bumping bone (probably was) - but, I don't know - things or something. All I know is with enough time and enough attempts and enough pressure, I almost think anything could go in. (but don't tell Master that. He'd set out to prove it.:-)


  7. Anonymous1:51 AM

    Okay - my two bits on this? Master has huge...HUGE hands...he is after all 6'2" and the thought of fisting terrified me...but I was determined to do Him after a few late night chats with some fellow subs, I was able to push through. For me? The best advice I got was to bear down as He was pushing in...for whatever reason it worked. And to reach down and feel His hand inside my body was amazing. Am not so sure I could do it myself, I am so not a pretzel, but it is an amazing thing and now, some two years later, I love it...



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