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We are three adults living in a polyamorous triad family. The content here is intended for an adult audience. If you are not an adult, please leave now.


Not Prayers Exactly...

Prayer is naught else but a yearning of soul...when it is practiced with the whole heart, it has great power. —Mechthild of Magdeburg

We have been just awash in all your good thoughts and positive energies and carefully offered prayers during this last couple of months. As we've gone through the preparations and the actual surgery -- and the recovery process, so many of our readers have reached out to tell us that they are holding us up in whatever way they can. From around the world, people we've never met, except in this cyber neighborhood, have reached out across the distances that separate us all, and kept our bodies and souls and hearts and minds inside some sort of metaphysical circle.

I find that amazing and fascinating, because we make no secret of our lack of "religious" orthodoxy. Ours is a world view that is inherently and intrinsically spiritual, but we surely don't ascribe to the generally held christian view of things. The sense of the divine that pervades our understanding of the universe, is simply not reliant on some sort of deity. We tend to find ourselves on the outside of just about every religious practice -- looking in and shaking our heads in wonderment. And then we move along -- doing what we do.

Everyone who reads us knows how we are. So, it is a great and powerful sort of giving that you have all engaged in -- offering your prayers and your chants and your cheers and your hopes and your meditations and whatever else it is that you each individually have done to call upon the creative divine force in the universe on our behalf.
You have collaborated in asking for health and healing and wellness for us all, and in doing that, you have, collectively, brought about real and positive change. I can spin elaborate intellectual constructs to explain what I think that is all about, but I don't really feel like I need to. I am simply, deeply, and forever grateful.


  1. Swan, Tom and T,

    Thank you for letting us be there with you, for sharing with us. You have let us in, let us feel involved, we couldn't help wish you well, pray for your wellness.

    I know that I felt very involved (interested, worried, hopeful) in your surgeries, and in your recoveries, and I couldn't wait to get more news each day.

    Thank you for sharing


  2. We're very spiritual but cannot connect to religions either. They make no sense to me.

    But the power of God/Nature/Universal Energy, yeah, THAT I get.

    Glad it helped. Great blessings to you all, so glad things are better. :)


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