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We are three adults living in a polyamorous triad family. The content here is intended for an adult audience. If you are not an adult, please leave now.


Confused Jumbled Chaotic Swirling Winds

Lately I feel that we are in transition with our Blog here, and within our lives. When we began TheHeronClan, and its predecessor TheSwansHeart, it was at my direction that swan began posting. She was becoming depressed and feeling isolated living as the "non-married" third partner and slave in a D/s triad intentional family, in a new place, and having to a great degree burned her bridges with her family to join us. I wanted her to have a way to connect with others, to feel a sense of community. I knew that her intellect and literacy would make her a "sensation" in the blogosphere. All those objectives were achieved through our experience here as was my prediction of how she would be received.

Too, as a result we have made some wonderful friends, some of them virtual, and some real time people with whom we have come to share our lives and theirs, our feelings, triumphs, struggles, good times and failures. That has been wonderful.

I think early on we wanted to meet with people with whom we shared our polyamorous and/or bDDsm sensual erotic orientation. We believed that sharing that orientation was enough of a common bond to be socially compatible with others. I think we thought that, because of the stigma, and social isolation of these alternative lifestyles we would find all (or most) others on here people we would want to spend time with. We have learned that was a fallacy. We don't want to spend time socializing with all BDSM-ers or all polys, anymore than we would want to spend time with all heterosexuals, or all monogamists, or all secular humanists, or whatever other broad based demographic commonality. Thank goodness we have found a few people with whom we can be who we are without pretense, who have become good friends (with whom we never seem to be able to spend the time and energy we'd like). We have others whom we have yet to meet, but who we may well get to meet in the weeks and months ahead as well. This has been an important learning and a valuable and life affirming connection to others.

We live in Cincinnati, Ohio. Cincinnati is in general, as a community, one of the most backward, conservative, regressive, religiously obsessed major urban centers in North America. It makes finding friends with whom we share our orientation difficult. We have learned that we generally do not mix well with most other BDSM-ers and poly's in real time social situations, and the precious little time we have to spend with others we don't want to squander with people we don't enjoy.

We are less alone and isolated and this blog has been a vehicle to achieve that.

I am just as spanking obsessed as ever. I endlessly want to spank swan and wish there was more time for that and greater congruence in our mutual needs for spanking. That having been said, it is not likely that there could be a committed life long love between two people who share an orientation to adult consensual spanking, which is much more congruent.

When we were brand new together, I spanked her more often, and more severely than we do now. She was very fulfilled and excited by that. I was the happiest unrepentant sadist on earth. Over time and changes, and evolution of our relationship, and to a great extent aging, we do not continue that same spanking style. I know that I, as her Master, could well simply take her and beat her as much and as often as I choose to and could, not only ignore her trauma, but get off on it. The reality is I love her so deeply, and sadist that I am, I also care about how traumatized she is. I want there to be a healthy degree of symbiosis between us in our sadomasochistic intimacy. We struggle with a sort of sadomasochistic compersive compatibility paradox. If I am too high end in our play, she becomes emotionally traumatized and then feels she has failed and fears I will leave her for a "more worthy" partner, a complete fallacy, but it is her reality whether delusional or not. If on the other hand, I pull back too far in my spanking intensity, she has an intense need to be spanked that swells beyond control and makes her desperate for that closeness and intensity. I feel I perhaps am too concerned for her needs, and should simply pursue my own, but my need to see my love's fulfillment is just as much my reality as is her fear of being left for another. What a Knot!

About every two weeks someone from the Internet contacts me wanting to explore partnering with me around disciplinary spanking. I tell them honestly how that would work with me. That generally ends the exploration:) They want to be spanked, but not painfully, or not actually in ways that would make change in their lives to achieve behavioral objectives inevitable (despite that that is overtly what they express a desire to achieve). They generally want to be enmeshed in a co-dependant gavotte with a spanker who will pretend to "discipline" them, so they will experience spankings they will secretly "get off" on, as they melodramatize their angst at being disciplined (i. e., the functional description of most of what passes for DD). I am decades past the need to tell them what they want to hear to get them over my knee, or to not confront them for duplicitousness with themselves and me about what they want. Besides that, if I am going to expend any of the precious time and energy I need for swan, t, my Dad, t's Mom, my agency, friends, etc. on someone else, they will relate on my terms. I get so tired of people who want you to Dominate them, and who want to be Dominated just the way "they say." BULLSHIT! Surprise, surprise those relationships never come to fruition even as disciplinary mentorships (which is all they were ever intended to be.) Additionally, even the existence of these correspondences makes swan wildly insecure, and fearful she will somehow be jettisoned (which belies a complete lack of understanding of me, of what I feel for her, or my devotion, and leaves me feeling not only frustrated at my inability to have a disciplinary mentoring relationships, but feeling terrifically misunderstood and negatively judged.) There are times I find myself wondering about spanking other men. I have no homo-erotic orientation, but wonder if that could permit me to practice a purely sadistic spanking practice, without there being any (perceived or real) potential for romantic or sexual entanglement as a result. If I ever begin to move that way though, such major approach/avoidance develops that it quickly dissembles.

My grieving over the loss of t's and my sadomasochistic relationship for nine years now, is long past. I am proud we have found it possible for us to continue our love and marriage with her as service submissive and sister to my swan.

There are times when I wonder at my complete loss of my ever exploring or playing with the bottom end of the power exchange as I once did. I hear swan's longing for that and wonder if that would provide an outlet for t and i to reconnect to a degree sadomasochistically, but then too, I have no such inclination, and experience approach/avoidance (unbalanced in the direction of "avoidance") when I try to wrap my head around that alternative.

I keep having spanking technique themed essays that bounce about in my head and never seem to come to composition. My now decades long practice of adult consensual spanking has evolved, both in my techniques and desires. I am way more interested in intensely stinging spanking with lighter and whippier implements, that excruciate partners and minimize the damage and "thuddy trauma" that results. I have recently realized that the style of switches I most desire to use (switching still being my favorite flagellation technique) is actually a style of birch called a Manx Birch named after a community is Wales (Manx) where they began using these style switch rods as judicial and domestic disciplinary birches in the 19th and 20th centuries in the UK. There are times when my never ending obsessive fantasizing of administering these switchings makes me question if this is some sort of collective unconscious archetypal memory or past life echo.

I would like to have the time, space and partnership to further my practice of single tail flogging. I have wonderful whips and haven't really had the time or opportunity to develop my skill with them beyond a mere average. I am never satisfied with average excellence in any aspect of my life, and certainly not in this most seminal aspect of my identity.

I am seeing an evolution in the blogosphere. So many Blogs we've valued have discontinued recently. So much of what is written now is different than what was common five years ago. To have success, defined as building readership stats, it seems one must write superficially about spanking as a humorous and erotic device, or preach a lifestyle orthodoxy, to have insecure new explorers of this aspect of their lives emulate your life not find their own way, to their own truth and love.

When we began here our purpose was to express ourselves truthfully, and to connect with others who could resonate with that reality. It was not to achieve volumes of Internet linkages but to achieve as many quality relationships as we could. Recently my (and therefore our:) prioritization of that value is reaffirmed. I have every desire for us to describe the reality of our lives. I have no desire for others to change their realities based upon our choices. If some do feel there is resonance that is supportive of them in their lives, what wonderful serendipity, but that is purely an "extra." We will continue to decry lifestyle gurus with their helplines when that occasion occurs even if they continue to threaten to out us to our employers and ruin our professional lives for daring to confront their co-dependent exploitation of those who are insecure enough to succumb to guru worship.

If there is any theme to this post I have no idea what it might be, other than discontinuous chaos.

I have felt a need to get these thoughts out of me for some time and as embarrassed I am about the lack of quality composition in this post, I hope that "getting it out of me" will free me to move on in my future writing. If you have had the misfortune to wade through this, my gratitude and condolences.

All the best,


Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you've imagined.


  1. Insane --  
    –adjective 1. not sane; not of sound mind; mentally deranged.
    2. of, pertaining to, or characteristic of a person who is mentally deranged: insane actions; an insane asylum.
    3. utterly senseless: an insane plan.

    1. demented; lunatic, crazed, crazy; maniacal. 3. foolish, irrational. See mad.


  2. A really poor choice of language in my wildly undisciplined exposition. I've edited it.


  3. I've just had a quick IM with swan who is struggling through her school day. I was tempted to remove this post after our interaction. She is reading this as some sort of statement that she is a complete failure as a slave, as a mate, etc. It is absolutely not that at all. This is an expression of the jumbled thoughts and feelings that run through this addled head of mine, that have in their half-baked cascade damned up my ability to express myself for too long. She has of course (as most of us would) read this emphasizing to herself the parts of this describing areas of conflict in our wants and needs and has not noticed the areas where I talk about how good we are.

    This is an honest expression of feelings and thoughts I have...feelings and thoughts of a man who is in a wonderful and unique relationship with two women: an intentional family relationship with a D/s dynamic at its heart. It is not some BDSM or DD fantasy story. It is a real human relationship between three increasingly "mature" (read aging or more like it in my case "old")people. This relationship is really good and provides us all so much. It is absolutely not perfect (surprise, surprise) and there are issues that center around sex, and money, and time, and other relationships and....etc., etc., etc.

    This is not a repudiation of anything. It is a depiction of parts of our life and our love, and more than anything just my trying to clear some wild stuff out of my head.

    I love you swan. I love you t.

    Mine Always and All Ways,

    Mores & Mores,


    Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you've imagined

  4. thank you for your words and your glimpse into your thoughts. Dear Swan, not for one second, do I see anything but love and admiration for you in his words, but that is me.

    I think Tom, you describe a mindset not unlike many of us in long-term relationships; ultimately, every one of us spends some time in introspection, in reassessing our lives, looking back and looking ahead.

    I also think it immensely helpful sometimes to do what you did right here - which is put in black and white some truths of your realities - it often helps perspective.

  5. Sometimes, our thoughts and words and emotions get all tangled up inside us and there is no way of getting them out 'tidily'. Yet, as you rightly say, if we don't they 'block' us.

    Like selkie, I read love and admiration for the two women in your life in your words and a reflection of what living your life with both of them means to you all.

    I agree the blog community has changed somewhat since I first had the pleasure of meeting you all here. For me, that change has been a positive one. I'm pretty certain I have less readers (though I'm not sure as I don't currently monitor my stats), though the exchanges between us feel more meaningful least for me.

    love and hugs xxx

  6. Tom,

    What a wonderful sharing of yourself and your deepest thoughts. Thank you. To my mind this is exactly what blogging is all about - pouring out my thoughts and feelings to help sort them out and work through the mire. Like a journal.

    I can see where Swan interpreted your words as her failure - I would have too even as I understood in my HEAD what you were really saying. My emotions get the best of me and nibble away at my self-confidence. To that extent I believe her feelings are really just about her, and not about you. You wrote of your frustration that she would think you'd want to cast her aside and find a new or better match, and how that left you feeling misunderstood. I really do see both sides of this. Because each of you have feelings that are your own and are just about the self - and not about the other.

    Master and I struggle with this too. He's the one I tell everything too, the one I turn to for all. And yet, sometimes what I need to share seems (to Him) like a criticism or hurt toward Him, even though in my mind it really is all about ME! lol :)

    Oh how tangled relationships in general can be, and I think power exchange relationships are even more prone to that tangling. O/our identities are so wrapped up in one another, at least mine is wrapped up in Him. So very different than my vanilla marriage. So it seems odd and hard to wrap our heads around the fact that my emotions really are uniquely mine, and not about Him, and are a result of the stuff in my own head, not a result of something He says or does.

    So much easier for me to recognize in your words, and think about, than to live through it here in O/our home!

    Again, thanks for the sharing, and the further sharing in comments, for allowing us/me to be a part of your process. To my little mind, this is the best of blogging!


  7. Tom: Thanks for sharing all of your insights into your thoughts and your lifestyle. I usually think it's better to talk about things -- and your very good blog gives you a chance to do that -- than to keep them bottled up. Good luck as you all move forward.


  8. Impish17:44 PM

    Tom, you gave me a scare as you started your review and I waited for the other shoe to drop...and feared perhaps the closing of the blog, and the loss of what I've come to think of as friends who have helped me learn much. Instead, the review helps me understand you even more.

    The mismatch of desires, etc seems to me to be normal for any relationship, even in very good relationships. My husband and I have been married for 32 years, and often marvel at our luck at still wanting to spend our time together, finding each other sexy,feeling quite close, etc. HOWEVER, we have a myriad of areas where we are not a great match...many in the area of kink. Leads to all kinds of frustration for me; he takes it in stride. I think it's just the circle of life so as crazy as it makes me, I know we're good.
    Swan, if there is one thing that comes through here loud and clear no matter what the topic: you and Tom - you're good, too.

  9. naxie1:52 AM

    i had that same worry, too - i thought that this was the end of the blog and even though i have posted only a few times throughout the years, i have been a reader from the very start and my life has been effected in so many ways by the things that get written about here.

    and yep, the blogosphere has changed so much in these last years - but what you choose to write about is - and has always been - something very different. it is the raw honesty that has touched me the most - the way that you love one another - the triumphs and the yucky bits - all of it.

    thank you for letting readers like me, learn so much from you.

  10. First of all, for those you who mistook this as a "goodbye post,"....No such Luck!!!!! You won't get rid of us this easily:) I was in a very intense place as I wrote this piece, but if anything this is a reaffirmation of our Blogging and primary underlying principals upon which these communication efforts rest. Thank you for caring enough about what we have done here to be concerned that we might go away. Were we to do that there would be a huge hole in our lives that we have no desire to experience.

    Thank you too, for all of you who have responded so positively and thoughtfully to what I offered in this post. I did feel like I was exposing a lot with this and you were kind and gentle in your acceptance of my jumble of thoughts and feelings.

    All the best,


    Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you've imagined.


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