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We are three adults living in a polyamorous triad family. The content here is intended for an adult audience. If you are not an adult, please leave now.


What a Difference a Year Makes

A year ago, we headed off to the dance event (fund raiser) that is put on by Master's agency each year. It is a giant community gathering where those who are generally regarded as "normally abled" and those who are seen as "disabled" all come together to spend an evening dancing and talking and generally having a great time. Unlike the many other events in our community that are staged specifically for those "special" people, ours is simply a gathering of people -- all ages, races, orientations, and levels of ability. We find that everybody loves to party and have a good time...

We don't dress up all that often, so when we do, there is the temptation to take pictures. At this event, there is a photographer on duty, so we managed to get some pretty interesting photos... so here's the comparison -- a year later after bariatric surgeries and all that has entailed...

Last Year --

And then this year (one week ago):



  1. The difference in my life and in my enjoyment of this event (even though this event is not relaxation and recreation for me as Director of the host agency)is unbelievable. Who would have believed that seven and a half months out from our (t's and my) gastric bypass surgeries, I'd be 130 pounds lighter and have lost twenty inches from my waist. There is no comparison of the sacrifices in terms of diet and difficult post surgical recovery, and just how wonderfully healthy I feel. And of course t is down close to 80 pounds, and swan, simply eating and exercising with us has lost tweny pounds herself. Truly what a difference a year (and gastric bypass surgery) has made for The Heron Clan.


    Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you've imagined.

  2. These pictures, seeing how happy you all look, and hearing how healthy you feel are a wonderful testament to what you've achieved.

    You all look amazing.

    love and hugs xxx

  3. These pictures, seeing how happy you all look, and hearing how healthy you feel are a wonderful testament to what you've achieved.

    You all look amazing.

    love and hugs xxx

  4. Anonymous5:07 AM

    Tom.. your suit is a bit too big :-)but you look so very very healthy, t you look fantastic with red and you look 15 years younger and swan just glows and glows :-).
    Congratulations Heron clan!


  5. What lovely pictures. You all look so healthy, happy and amazing.


  6. Anonymous11:36 AM

    You all look so happy and beautiful. :) Glowing and happy. Congratulations!

    I just wanted to say that I really enjoy reading your blog and hearing about everyday life. The ups, the downs, the realities of getting older, and just the truths of living life. It is refreshing to see that in this day and age.

    Thank you for sharing your lives with us.


  7. I'll bet you're all brimming with pride!


  8. I smile every time I see pics of you guys. You all look thrilled each time. Congrats again, and thanks for sharing your story. I do love reading it.

  9. Impish17:00 PM

    What a wonderful family picture. Congratulations on all you have accomplished together...this year and all through the years.

  10. You all look just wonderful.


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