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Your Thoughts, Friends

Today, November 23, is the eight month anniversary of Master and T's surgeries.

Last evening, about 9:00, Master began complaining that His stomach hurt. And then it hurt worse... and worse... and worse. Finally, we decided to head to the emergency room, arriving there at about 11:00 after a very harrowing drive (during which I had to pull off the road to allow Him to vomit at least three different times). They did two CT scans -- one at midnight, and a second one at 4:00 AM with contrast. At 5:00 this morning, they got Him situated in a room. And at about 7 AM, the doctors decided that He needed emergency surgery to correct an obstruction in His bowel. Apparently, this is another of those rare (less than 1% of cases) complications.

He is in surgery as I type. I've come home to shower, grab some clothes for both of us, and rescue my car out of the repair shop where I dropped it last evening so it could have an oil change. This is the very worst possible timing for such a horrible catastrophe to occur. There is the end of the year stuff with His agency, holidays are upon us, I have parent-teacher conferences for the next three days.

We'll all get through this somehow, but please hold us all (and especially Master) in your thoughts these next few days.



  1. Thinking of you. Thankfully it was caught before perforation.


  2. you're all in my thoughts.


  3. I am so sorry - this is terrible - will send positive thoughts your way. I know the three of you WILL get through this. But lordy, swan, my heart goes out to you.

  4. Sorry to hear this. My thoughts are with you all.


  5. wandering traveler2:21 PM

    you have no idea of the best wishes and excellent thoughts flowing to you all!

  6. Big hugs and lots of positive thoughts headed your way my dear.

    love and hugs xxx

  7. Anonymous4:17 PM

    So so sorry for this latest event. My best thoughts are with you all, especially Tom.


  8. im sending soooo many good wishes and bunches of warm hugs for all of you...

  9. Master's surgery went well. They found a twist in the intestine and removed approximately a foot. They also repaired the hernia that resulted from His wound infections after the bypass surgery. Now we just need to get Him well and back up and going again. They are telling us that He should be home on Thursday or Friday. Thanks for all your good wishes.


  10. I'm so sorry to read of this event, and relieved to read your comment!

    Very glad to hear his surgery was successful, and they were even able to take care of the hernia while in there!

    I will keep you all, and especially Tom, in my thoughts for a speedy recovery, free of all complications!


  11. So glad to hear all went well and he will be home soon. Warm wishes of peacefulness and joy for the rest of the holiday season to all 3 of you.

  12. I was so glad to get your comment swan...please keep us updated?

    I'm sending healing thoughts to all three of you. Hang in there!

  13. Thank you for updating Swan! Continued prayers for his quick healing, and holding you all in our thoughts as you're dealing with this. *huge hugs*

    Eu & 'Yote

  14. Sending lots of strength and courage to you now. Hang in there. Recovery from bowel surgery is never quick. Please keep us posted of Tom's progress.

  15. Just checking in. Hope you and t were able to get some sleep last night and that yoru Master finally had some relief! Glad to hear they figured out quickly what the issue was and sounds like they have "fixed" it- although I'm well aware that poor Tom is probably feeling like crap!


  16. Impish19:56 AM

    I'm so sorry. I know you were tired already. One foot in front of the other time... I will keep you all very close in this time.

  17. Anonymous12:26 PM

    Bless you Swan. I am glad to read that his surgery went well and now thoughts are sent your way for his speedy recovery and for you.

    Please take care Honey!


  18. Keeping you all in our prayers. Glad to hear the surgery went well.

    Master JB and butterfly


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