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Not "Good" Pain

I hurt my back. I'm not sure exactly how. I suspect it may have been in the lifting and moving of the heavy cooler that we took with us on our trip, perhaps aggravated by the lengthy hours spent in the car as we drove home, and then back (to retrieve the cane) and then home again. Whatever the cause, I am a mess. My lower back is all spasmed up and I can barely move.

This is NOT "good" pain. Not fun. Not sexy. Not kinky. It just hurts.

I tried to get an appointment with a chiropractor, at His insistence, but couldn't get in until next Thursday. I did make an appointment at a local massage business that just opened near us, called Massage Envy. An hour spent with a massage therapist named Michael, has me about convinced that I am in love with the man (and willing to kidnap him and hold him hostage right here), but my back still hurts.

Luckily, T has some muscle relaxants left over from a spill she took awhile back. With one of those in my system, I am at least able to sleep.

But -- I am useless. I can hardly walk. I can't reach anything that is on the floor or on a low shelf or in a low cupboard. Can't do the massage thing for Him. And, while my mind is in full gear -- ready to ask for spankings, there seems no way my body will accommodate that just now. So. Add frustration to the whole mix.

Seems I will just have to tough it out here with my heating pad until things heal enough for me to get moving again. Sheesh!



  1. Anonymous2:38 PM

    My Master & Mistress have a membership with Massage Envy and just love it. A while back, Mistress went in for a massage and took me with her. I asked my MT if he'd ever been proposed to before while working...because I could've married him right then and there!

    Hope you feel better soon!


  2. Aww! I hope it gets better real soon.


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