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Unless you've been living under the proverbial rock for the last week or so, you've gotten wind of the "dust up" here in our little blogging neighborhood over LIES put out by some, and the varying reactions to that reality across the community.

I don't personally know how this particular blowup came to be, I just know that there are people that we thought we knew something about who turned out to be not quite as advertised. So these folks can be added to the list which already includes such luminaries as Vickie Blue, Robin Whittle (of Fondly and Firmly), and Patty (of Creative Spanked Wench/Wife). Likely there have been others over the years who misled and deceived -- and pehaps just vanished without most of us ever being any the wiser. Surely, our family got suckered by one such on a very personal level once upon a time. It hurts.

But let's face it -- people lie. They do. We do. In big and small ways, and for a thousand different reasons, the human animal practices deception. People lie to get ahead, to avoid consequences, to seem more "whatever" to their fellows, to protect themselves, to gain power and control, to create the potential for relationship, to maintain ongoing relationship, and on and on and on. We lie by omission and by commission. We don't like it when we are duped by a liar, and I imagine most of us want to be thought of has people of honesty and integrity, but if we are truthful with ourselves, we can almost all point to times when we have been less than open, honest, and straightforward with others.

I don't like being lied to. It feels icky. It makes me question all sorts of things that I want to have be bedrock solid. And, I know that there are places, even with the ones I love best, where the truth gets "bent" or "shaded" or simply is withheld. I do it, and I know they do it too. If I want to climb up on my soap box and hold forth about how dishonesty is a cancer on our relationship and destroys trust and makes it impossible to really BELIEVE in anything, then I'd probably better be real sure that I am without blame (NOT), and I'd better be sure that what I'll gain by standing on principle on this is worth more than what I'll throw away by being an unbending prig.

So. I don't know all the nuances of this latest firestorm of lies and recriminations. I'm surely disappointed. I am not however ready to condemn anyone to the outer darkness. It's a reminder of the realities of our lives together. Not a nice one. Still, understanding that we are all human and all capable of falling short, I can go on.



  1. Anonymous10:22 AM

    Hi Swan:
    I just recently found your blog and have been enjoying your very insightful posts. I just wanted to thank you for yet another insightful post. And a great reminder again that we are humans first. All that has happened here recently has only made me think more about myself and the person I want to be.
    Take care,

  2. Anonymous10:57 AM

    huh. I'm out of the loop.

    Even though I may have missed this latest one, I've been one of the "duped" ones before.

    Now I read people with a little more cynicism and a lot less wide-eyed wonder.


  3. Thanks for the reminder that perhaps we should only cast stones if we are without sin. That's a tough lesson to learn, but oh so worthwhile.

    Combine that lesson with the reality that we cannot control others, and the truth that forgiveness is about ourselves and not about the person who was in the wrong, and we really could deal with all that life throws at us.

    Thanks Swan.


  4. Swan,
    Thank you for putting this so honestly and eloquently. I have been saddened by the ongoing drama and the hatefulness I have been reading.

    While I don't condone the lies, I also do not know the extent of them or the motivation. In any case the offense does not warrant the lynch mob that has resulted from it. Thank you for (as always) being a voice of reason.

  5. Anonymous12:03 PM

    I am also living beneath a rock, it seems. But it's comfy here, so can you blame me?

    I have, however, been the victim of a large, personal online lie. It eviscerated me, and robbed me of my ability to take anything I read online without a grain of salt.

    So, maybe I'm grateful for that. I just have to remind myself that no one is actually capable of telling the complete truth. It's just not possible. As soon as a word escapes our mouths (or fingers) it has been run through a lens of personal opinion, personal fear, personal desire, and personal agenda. I guess the trick is to try to see the thickness of people's lenses. I still haven't mastered that. I probably never will. But I like to hope it serves me well to at least squint and try.

    Even though I haven't the faintest clue what this is referring to, thank you for this post. And thank you for reminding me that I can look for the lenses while still hearing the words.


  6. Anonymous2:22 PM

    Thank you swan for this post. Many of us feel as Alice does, deeply saddened by what we've witnessed here in 'cyberia' this past week.

    I had no objection to the specific events being made public, but I have been truly disturbed by the inflamatory nature of some of the posts and many of the comments.

    That said, some good has also come from it. I have been able to see a side of some people that, until now, I was unaware of.....both good and bad.....and, among those who've voiced their views with calm reason, have found several delightful new blogs.

    Like you, I am very much of the 'whoever is without sin' school of thought.....and we seem to have some pretty nice company.

    love and hugs xxx

  7. as usual, no idea what is going on - and that's ok- becuaase your post, as always, is excellent, humanistic and truthful -

    I've blogged before on the dangers inherent in the web and how easy it is to create personas and pretence that can, in the end, mortally wound the honest ones ...

    I think you're kinder than me though -

  8. You don't have to worry about this one - I came in today and I've been very careful to not reveal who I am. So few of my friends KNOW who I am in Blogger and that's because I trust them. Sorry that you had to go thru this.

  9. Swan,

    Can you tell me where I can find information on the truth behind Vicki Blue? Robin Whittle I am aware of, likewise Patty. I did not know Vicki Blue shared their rare air.

    Thank you,



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