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We are three adults living in a polyamorous triad family. The content here is intended for an adult audience. If you are not an adult, please leave now.


He's Ill

Master is ill. Very ill.
We've been in and out of emergency facilities twice in the last two days so that He can be "rehydrated." He is terribly weak and barely eating anything. Doctors are calling this (generically) "Traveler's Disease" while we wait for the actual critters to be identified. Of course we haven't BEEN traveling (although they do admit this sort of thing runs rampant at nursing homes, and we do spend a lot of time at nursing homes these days). He's receiving some pretty high end antibiotics and we are hoping He begins to feel some better soon, although at this moment, we've seen no sign of that.

So, if it is quiet here, you will all know why. We're awfully busy.



  1. I've had it, it's no fun. It took a cocktail of three antibiotics to wipe it out for me.

    He's in my prayers. So are the rest of you, having to deal with it. Update us when you can.

  2. *sending much love and healing vibes*

    Hope he's feeling better much sooner tather than later!!!

  3. I'm so sorry to hear that Tom is so ill :( I will keep all of you in my thoughts and hope very hard that he begins to feel better in the very immediate future.

    Know that I am thinking about you and please keep us updated if you ever have a moment.


  4. Anonymous10:40 PM

    These damned super bugs are the pits.

    I truly believe that the wisdom and strength your clan has built for yourselves will pull you through in the end.

    Love to all three of you!


  5. Thinking of all of you and sending you our best, with (((hugs)))

  6. swan.....

    i was just thinking today it must almost be your anniversary.. or just passed... and here i read this !

    i am so sorry for all of you... especially Raheretic - being sick is no fun.. being really sick is definitely no fun......

    take care of Him and take care of yourself....... know you are all in our thoughts...

    morningstar (owned by Warren)

  7. Anonymous3:15 AM

    Oh sweetheart, I'm so sorry to read this. Please know that you will all be in my thoughts and prayers, and I'm sending all the positive energy I can your way in the hope that Tom recovers very soon.

    much love and soft hugs to you all xxx

  8. Swan, I'm so sorry, sending you and yours healing and positive thoughts.
    Warm hugs,

  9. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Please pass on my best wishes for him to get well soon. I'm sure he is surrounded by much love and care.


  10. Anonymous10:22 AM

    My brightest and best wishes to you all that you get through this soon. I am not much of a nurse figure myself and watch all around me getting sick. It is rough. Hope all is well and I send my best.

  11. Anonymous1:01 PM

    Sending the deepest Get Well wishes His way.


  12. Our best wishes to you and yours.

    Destiny and her chance

  13. Thank you all for all your good wishes. The antibiotics do seem to be doing their work, although He remains terribly weak and very ill. We still have no results on the lab work, but hope to know what it is that we are dealing with by the time He sees His doctor on Thursday morning. Until then, we are trying to maintain fluid and electrolyte levels, get some nutrition into Him, and keep the fever down.

    Mostly, He sleeps.


  14. Anonymous5:31 PM

    sending best wishes for fast relief from distress in all it's forms for each of you and a very fast recovery for Tom!

  15. Anonymous7:35 PM

    A special prayer for Him, and good, healing thoughts/energy/blessings are being sent, too. For you and T, I send cyber hugs, and thoughts/wishes/blessings of comfort and strength.

  16. Anonymous8:21 PM

    Get well soon ....and get well hugs...

  17. I hope he gets well soon, and I hope you and T have a lot of energy and strength to get through it.

    As a family you seem to have so much love that I don't doubt that you'll all be fine.

  18. swan,

    Oh dear. That sounds dreadful. I wish Tom a speedy and complete recovery.

    Big Hugs,

  19. Anonymous5:39 AM

    Best wishes for a speedy recovery. My thoughts and prayers are with all of you.

  20. Anonymous8:08 AM

    You're all in my thoughts and prayers. Hoping for a speedy recovery for your Master.

    The Butterfly Temptress

  21. Just checking in to see how things are going and to say - once again - you are all in our thoughts.....

    morningstar (owned by Warren)


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