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We are three adults living in a polyamorous triad family. The content here is intended for an adult audience. If you are not an adult, please leave now.


A Glimpse into How We Talk

When He and I are in a good place with one another; when our lives are flowing along a course that makes sense to us; we talk.  We talk over dinner and we talk while we walk and we talk at bedtime and we talk through the commercials on television.  When we are apart from one another, we check in by phone -- I call Him when I get to school in the morning, and I call Him again when I leave school and head for home.  During the school day, when there is time (and if the computer network gremlins cooperate), we chat on IM.

In the last two months, as we wrestled and wrangled with the issues surrounding His alcohol use; as we arrived at the iterations of The Plan; as we lived through all the long and miserable days of a month of abstinence; and then as we came out of that phase and He resumed drinking; we have slowly but steadily drawn apart from one another.  Moment by moment and day by day, as He struggled with the ups and downs of all of that, we talked less and less, and touched less and less.  We still maintained our routines and patterns, but we were like strangers going through the motions.  He was sad, depressed, angry.  I was baffled, confused, lost.  He felt rejected and devalued.  I felt betrayed and hurt.  Our world had grown very quiet.

By Thursday, we'd reached an impasse.  He had concluded that our M/s dynamic was a sham and a facade.  In His view, He'd relinquished control under pressure from me to change the drinking behavior.   I thought I was doing a good thing.  I thought I was working to protect His health.  I thought we'd arrived at the goals and the plans together, but that wasn't how it felt to Him.  He was clear that I'd seized control and that He was, therefore, in the position of being submissive to me.  The power exchange that forms the foundation of our relatedness was topsy-turvy and we were at odds with one another.  It wasn't what either of us wanted, but we seemed completely unable to wrench ourselves out of the spiral.

I had a wickedly long day on Thursday, with a full day of teaching followed by a three hour teacher inservice that was to run until 9 PM.  During my planning period, I managed to make contact with Him on IM, and so we chatted.  Neither of us had slept well, and we'd about come to the end of our patience with one another.  It was a very difficult and very blunt and very painful conversation.  We told one another some hard truths, and we wound our way through some murky territory.  Eventually, we came to understand that we had ourselves in a box -- and that it was a box that we'd constructed for ourselves.  "The Plan" which was making us so utterly miserable and crazy was OURS.  We'd developed it and set in motion and we could modify it at any point that we chose.  Duh!  We were not answerable to anyone but ourselves.  He was not answerable to anyone but Himself.

And, just like that, life snapped back into place.  We enjoyed our evening (what there was of it after my late workshop), and slept soundly, wrapped around each other through the night.

Today, we had a fair amount of time to chat (in several sessions).  We were almost giddy with the shear joy of being back in touch with one another, and so our conversation was light and animated and ebullient.  I imagine that there won't be many who actually care, but for those who find our relatedness intriguing, the rambling conversation may be of interest.  Be warned that we are, with one another, inclined to be unrestrained in our opinions.  Those who have tender sensibilities; who find us unduly sarcastic; who think that we are too mean-spirited towards those who hold views in opposition to ours; will most likely find our unedited commentary to be outrageous and distressing.  The running narrative will be given in highlighted boldface to distinguish it from the actual conversation--


The beginning greetings go very quickly to His/hers apologies and proffered forgiveness for whatever it was that either of us might have done to get us into the emotional mess we've suffered through.  And then there is the clear frustration about the continual assaults by anonymous commenters --
Raheretic: I thought I heard IM-ing but thought it was too good to be true it could be you
Raheretic: how wonderful
Swan: maybe its a sign
Raheretic: How are you?
Swan: a little strung out and stressed but ok
Raheretic: feeling drained here too
Raheretic: what an experience this has been
Raheretic: I am sorry this has been so hard for you
Raheretic: It has been terrible for me too
Swan: and I'm sorry for however it is that I've overstepped
Swan: that was never what I meant to do
Swan: and I never meant to devalue or reject you
Raheretic: If you did..............who knows?
Swan: or make you feel that I had done that
Swan: I am so sorry
Swan: please forgive me
Raheretic: We likely need some anonymous person to try to tell us right from wrong
Raheretic: I forgive you if there is anything to forgive
Swan: I imagine there is one who will try that
Swan: thank you
Raheretic: Neither of us was doing anything except to do and try to be what was best
Raheretic: in difficult times and dynamics
Then we shift into some discussion about Master's former job, and the changes that have happened there since He left.  This transition to retirement, which came about because of difficult economic realities, has challenged us for months.  On one hand, it has been good and the cause for significant stress reduction in His life and in ours.  However, there have been difficult feelings and a real sense of loss after so many years spent in the disability advocacy realm--
Raheretic: I just looked at the Agency website staff list
Swan: anything interesting?
Raheretic: one fewer staff and if they can do the work, then that becomes a significant profit center
Swan: if
Raheretic: I bet they can if they emphasize production and cut quality
Raheretic: take a "good enough" sort of attitude
Raheretic: after all just because "quality" is in the program's name, do we really have to.....................?
Raheretic: well they will be of little value to the community if they are out of business too
Raheretic: so it has to be tough
Raheretic: I' rather be out of business myself
Raheretic: I did look on line to see if anything surfaces derogatory regarding me in a google
Raheretic: nothing is there
Raheretic: were there to be that would violate the agreement and they would be come fair game if nothing else for breech of contract and defamation
Raheretic: I am off "pursuing other interests"
And that bridges us into the discussion of our "moderation" adventure --
Raheretic: like how many drinks constitutes moderation?
Swan: I think my venture into the realms of moderation is over
Swan: I'm not going to fuss about it anymore
Swan: you know what makes you feel well and what doesn't
Swan: not my job to manage that
Swan: and I think MM is just stupid
Swan: so...
Swan: this poor slave is done
Swan: with that crap
Raheretic: I think MM helps me moderate -- reading there
Raheretic: it is interesting watching folks cycle in and out of "success"
Raheretic: I am already performing in their 95th %-ile
Swan: life is a series of cycles in and out of degrees of success
Swan: in every arena
Swan: none of us live "on the mountain top"
Raheretic: I think there are a lot of folks who really do get into cycling through drinking and sobriety as a game
Raheretic: neat melodrama
And then we spend time just reveling in being "good" with one another again, talking about the simple realities of my teaching work --
Raheretic: Boy, I feel good chatting with you today
Raheretic: better than in a while
Raheretic: maybe better than since I lost my job
Swan: L stopped in to talk
Swan: about testing
Swan: we just got word that all the testing has to be done by Wednesday next week
Swan: and we thought we had until the end of the month
Swan: so there is low level panic ensuing
Swan: building wide
Swan: I just told her I think we ought to start off first thing Monday morning and just go
Swan: until it is done
Raheretic: wow what a stunningly bold solution!!!!!!
Raheretic: why don't they just make you Queen
Raheretic: They would if they were smart you know
But I am feeling very tender about even the implication that I might be "in control," and so refuse the enthronement --
Swan: well -- I am done with being the fucking queen
Swan: queen never works out for me
Swan: sucks
Raheretic: that is not true
Raheretic: you are my Queen if i say you are
Swan: you can be queen but everyone will hate your guts
Swan: I'd much rather have a collar than a tiara
Raheretic: well it kind of comes with the territory sometimes
Swan: I can't stand it when You hate my guts
Raheretic: well with me you have both
Swan: it kills me
Raheretic: BIG COLLAR......................little tiara
Swan: if the world hates me I can live with it
Raheretic: I never hated you
Raheretic: Sorry I had lots of confused mixed difficult feelings in all this
Raheretic: and guess what I projected them and acted them out
Swan: I know
Swan: but it still sucked having you hate my guts
Raheretic: I didn’t hate you or your guts
Swan: no matter what sort of psycho babble bullshit we use to describe it
Raheretic: love your guts very much
Raheretic: I think through this whole ABS/alcohol withdrawal thing I have been terribly depressed and I am suddenly feeling way better
And then we veer off into serious fantasy land, talking about a house in the wilds of Alaska --
Raheretic: my god I just saw my dream home
Swan: I'm so glad you are feeling better
Raheretic: 499k
Swan: a yurt in Montana?
Raheretic: in Alaska on a lake with 1.4 acres of woods
Swan: I think that qualifies as a definite dream
Raheretic: giant chalet
Raheretic: dock on great lake at end of front yard
Raheretic: set up for boat or sea plane
Swan: nothing in Alaska is a "dream" Sir
Raheretic: showed pic in dead of smow
Raheretic: sun
Swan: nightmare maybe
Raheretic: LOL no it is so beautiful
Swan: mosquitos that have to be cleared from a control tower
Swan: do they show THOSE in the picture?
Swan: I bet not
Raheretic: and no one to interfere if you want to go run around naked in the summer
Swan: and get eaten by a giant mosquito
Raheretic: they have those in Michigan and upstate New York
Raheretic: I grew up with them
Raheretic: they die when you smack them
And then, at last, for the first time in weeks and weeks, there was talk about spanking --
Raheretic: unlike your ass
Swan: which just glows
Raheretic: beautifully as does all of your beautiful body
Raheretic: god you make life a joy
Swan: thank you
Swan: for remembering me finally
Swan: I've been so lost
Swan: and so afraid
And another shift as we fall off into discussing a trip we have planned next weekend -- off to the "big city" of Toledo--
Raheretic: this will be a nice weekend
Raheretic: Maybe tomorrow even better
Raheretic: Neither you or t have ever seen anything like Tony Packo's
Raheretic: because I don't think there is anything else like it
Raheretic: different and good
Swan: that will be next weekend
Swan: this weekend we get to just be...
Raheretic: and on Friday night like their Dixie land jazz band will be playing
Raheretic: called The Cake Walkin' Jass Band
Raheretic: and lots of sausage eating, chili eating, perogi eating, drunken Hunky's
Raheretic: who are glad to be there and glad to be alive because they are there
Raheretic: in what is called the Birmingham Section
Raheretic: little Hungary
Raheretic: There are time I miss being ingrained as a player in that community
Raheretic: it was a good place to be
Raheretic: and offers so much more than people know
Then back to school stuff, as my day does what days often do at our crazy little school --
Swan: insane here this morning
Swan: I'm trying to give a social studies test
Swan: and the professor from NKU is grabbing groups of kids for interviews about the exchange project
Swan: and then just now, a group of about a dozen teacher from Denmark wandered in unannounced to "tour"
Swan:  “…well. hello. welcome. 6th graders -- what is it we're working on this morning?"
Swan: good grief
Swan: just out wandering from room to room
Raheretic: melancholy Danes just wondering the halls in small herds
Swan: wanted to borrow a dictionary so that they could see a picture of a hedgehog
Raheretic: well there's usually interesting things going on in your room
Swan: just testing this morning
Swan: not all that interesting
Raheretic: kids wiggling pencils
And back to our favorite topic --
Raheretic: just watching Today show guys’ wardrobes
Raheretic: damn they are doing butt exercises
Raheretic: so far I can't do any of them
Raheretic: due to arthritis
Swan: butt exercises?
Raheretic: saying besides the aesthetic it is crucial to balance
Raheretic: yeah.......glut's
Raheretic: Ok now here's one but I don't know if my shoulder would let me do it
Swan: a butt exercise that uses your shoulder?
Swan: sounds like an exercise for my butt
Raheretic: LOL
 And our sense of joy and wonderment at finding ourselves back in our lives again.  Here is where we begin to identify the "wrongness" that we feel in trying to adapt our lives and our world view to an essentially "disease" driven model of alcohol management and recovery.  The insistence on powerlessness doesn't work for us -- and it feels right and empowering to really know that --
Raheretic: god I love you
Swan: and I love you
Swan: and I'm so glad to be back to us
Swan: and I never want to go away again
Raheretic: It is so good to feel OK
Raheretic: I felt so broken
Raheretic: and deficient
Raheretic: and lost
Swan: and I was too lost and afraid to know what to do or say
Swan: until I finally got that it was ok for us to modify our own stupid plan
Swan: duh
Raheretic: I don't think I realized how badly I felt until now that it is better
Raheretic: thank you
Swan: we can be sort of stubborn the two of us
Raheretic: and we did do justice to it
Raheretic: we really did do it
Swan: IT
Raheretic: and then modified
Raheretic: IT
Swan: except that while doing IT we couldn't do it....
Raheretic: no while we were doing it we couldn't do IT
Swan: so now that we are not absing and not moderating you into total abject misery, what will we talk about?
Raheretic: hmmmmm.............spanking, sex, vacations, the weekend, food
Raheretic: politics
Swan: Abuelo's
Raheretic: the rest of our lives
Raheretic: happiness
Raheretic: yay for Abuelos
Swan: Abuelo'sAbuelo'sAbuelo'sAbuelo'sAbuelo's
Raheretic: I think the thing i am enjoying most since resuming drinking is 1800
Swan: and spanking and sex and spanking and sex and spanking
Raheretic: oh yeah, and, spanking and sex
Swan: and you might find, if you are not just drowning yourself in alcohol that you like different things on different days -- like you were drinking for the taste
And here is the precise point where He comes up with the idea of inflicting all of this on our readers -- and saving it for ourselves.  The very idea of sharing the conversation sets me off, and I go straight to the things that I'd just love to tell the 12-steppers and the nasty and hateful anonymous ones --
Raheretic: I think maybe I should see if i can save this chat and post it
Raheretic: As how we are
Swan: oh arrgggghhhh
Raheretic: since everyone is so interested
Swan: then be sure to say that I have had it up to HERE with all the meddling judgmental asshole anonymous pricks
Raheretic: And then all the 12-stepper disease model assholes can feel remarkably superior to our daring to be happy
Swan: them too
Swan: I do not 12 step
Swan: don't even two step
Raheretic: and not recognizing how truly powerless we are in the face of alcohol without help from the Great Beyond
Raheretic: and degenerately happy
Swan: and if we are in fact powerless, then knowing that -- realizing that -- helps us how?
Swan: since there isn't fucking anything out there in the great beyond
Swan: except "Billions and Billions and Billions of stars"
Raheretic: well then The Maker would heal us
Swan: and stamp us with the Maker's Mark
Swan: the whole place is one giant distillery
Raheretic: I think my next bourbon therefore will be Maker's Mark in honor of Him
Raheretic: ROFL great minds
Swan: what absolute silliness
Raheretic: Billions and billions of stars each one matched by a dollar that was paid to Recovery disease model based treatment programs that indoctrinated drunk people in the cult of "12 step-ism" with no outcome
Raheretic: other than most of them became powerless and more drunk
Swan: and their families sucked right into the vortex along with them
Swan: al-anon
Swan: and al-a-teen
Swan: and on and on and on
Raheretic: research does show that 32% of problem drinkers of whatever degree quit, and more resolve their problems by moderating all without treatment.
Raheretic: only 16 % with treatment have a successful outcome
Raheretic: for the drunks
Raheretic: lots of success for the treatment professionals, and administrators, and operations staff
Raheretic: who make very good livings thank you very much
Raheretic: and feel quite wholesome about helping the poor downtrodden souls whom they "serve."
Swan: what an amazing scam
Raheretic: Interesting scam mostly paid for from tax dollars and insurance reimbursements
Swan: more voodoo than even religious voodoo
Raheretic: Great minds again
Raheretic: very Catholic or Mormon like in its "voodoo" quotient
Swan: you would think we were compatible or something
Raheretic: replace drinking with cult dependence
Raheretic: no cirrhosis of the liver...............just the brain
Swan: once a 12 stepper, always a 12 stepper
Swan: the corollary to “give me a child until they are 7 and ...”
Raheretic: yeah just like a Marine
Raheretic: Didn't I read that somewhere recently?
Raheretic: Oh yeah it was in an anonymous comment on our Blog
Raheretic: wisdom from the disease model 12 step recovery folks
Raheretic: and true Christians no doubt
Swan: same only different
Raheretic: having given their wretched lives over to God
Swan: like god has time for this crap
Swan: if in fact god is god
Swan: wouldn't god be sort of busy?
Swan: making bees and tree leaves and clouds and shit
Raheretic: if he is, I bet he doesn't care if i drink or not
Raheretic: He might feel he gave me will, and intelligence and resources more than most human beings ever get, and a moral code, and expect me to live my life fairly well.
Swan: we've resolved all the important questions
Raheretic: mostly and in just one morning
Raheretic: Likely "post-ABS zest"
And then, the most remarkable transformation came pouring across my computer screen -- a flash of insight, wisdom and understanding that just took my breath away --
Raheretic: I just did have a flash
Swan: oh?
Raheretic: It dawned on me how much wisdom I had in my twenties and while I've experienced so much
Raheretic: and fleshed it out with hugely pragmatic information, and empowerment, and maturity
Raheretic: I've lost much of what benefit and life I had then
Raheretic: Then I was more poor as I/we are now
Raheretic: but not destitute because I worked hard
Raheretic: I broke my ass building mobile homes in freezing cold and blazing heat
Raheretic: and when I wasn't there I partied with great friends who I valued and who valued me
Raheretic: and when we got the chance we did hand to hand combat in the streets with police to end the war
Raheretic: and life was so good
Raheretic: and when I could I went to school
Raheretic: and my wife then was a good young teacher
Raheretic: never attaining or having the capacity for who you are as an educator
Raheretic: but still better than most
Raheretic: and life was good
Raheretic: and we never felt deprived
Raheretic: we were thrilled at the life we had
Raheretic: and valued the gifts we could share and the joy of fighting for good
Swan: and it was enough
Raheretic: It was more than was absolutely abundant and we were continually grateful
Raheretic: and I woke up each day being helpful
Raheretic: and when we celebrated which did involve chemicals, we were celebrating our lives and our humanity and our loves and who we were and the strength we had to do good and to damage evil
Raheretic: and each morning I woke up happy for the day
Swan: and ready for what would come
Raheretic: I’ve learned and done much and had children and made a lot more money than I thought I'd ever see
Raheretic: and had victories and vanquished evil foes more effectively than I ever did then
Raheretic: although injuring them in hand to hand combat was far more rewarding
Raheretic: I should likely leave that to young people in their 20's
Raheretic: All this came to me oddly
Raheretic: I got thinking that I would love a denim work jacket
Raheretic: and I never see them anywhere
Raheretic: and I got thinking about that western wear work clothes shop out here in the country somewhere where we bought that long brown bull whip
Raheretic: and that they assuredly would have one
Raheretic: then I thought and yes they have real actual "cowboy oil skiin slickers" and that I have always wanted one
Raheretic: and that we should not spend money
Raheretic: and then it came to me that then we would have said that it was something I dreamed of having and that that dream would give me power
Raheretic: and I dressed and appeared in ways that I felt powerful
Raheretic: not correct
Raheretic: and as I recalled that all this rushed into me
Raheretic: As well as the belief I could recreate that life and it could be better than then
Raheretic: wow!!!!
Raheretic: this felt....feels powerful
Swan: a break through from the way you have been seeing things
Swan: a chance to create a life that is good and strong and fulfilling
Swan: if less monetarily lucrative
Swan: huge possibilities
Swan: for you and for us
Raheretic: way different than I have felt, seen things for decades
Swan: HOORAY!!!!!
Swan: I've been waiting for this for so long
Raheretic: maybe money is not the only conveyor of capacity
Raheretic: thank you for waiting for me to catch up
Raheretic: I am almost in tears
Raheretic: reading the whole earth magazine last weekend started to bring me back to this
Raheretic: I used to live by the Whole Earth Catalog
Raheretic: and read it like a Bible
Raheretic: I love you so much and I feel better than I have in decades
Raheretic: thank you so much
Swan: I am so glad
Raheretic: I love you
Swan: Yours always and all ways
Swan: bye for now
Raheretic: Mine Always and All Ways
Raheretic: Too..............Yours Always and All Ways
Raheretic: I/we need both
Swan: well then ... Mine always and all ways
Swan: bye, Love
And now you know a little bit about how we are when we are good, just us, and together...


  1. This is a fascinating dialogue you published, very insightful. Few people are as willing as you are to share the inner workings of your relationship. Given that the big problem in many marriages/long-term committed relationships is a lost ability to communicate, this dialogue is a good illustration of how to restore and maintain communication.

  2. Thanks so much for sharing this...a wonderful look into effective dialog and communication..and interesting also!

  3. Bless you for sharing!
    My nerves.. I couldn't be so open as you are.. sigh~~


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