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We are three adults living in a polyamorous triad family. The content here is intended for an adult audience. If you are not an adult, please leave now.



Bonnie recently posted about a couple of spanking blogs that have shut down/disappeared in the last bit of time because they've fallen prey to harrassment and abuse and anonymous comment vitriol. 

It does seem that the very fact of blogging opens us up to a wider universe where at least some people believe that we are, by the very nature of what we write and share, fair game.  Over the course of the years that I (and we) have written about our lives here, we've experienced that phenomenon to varying degrees -- sometimes hardly anyone chooses to come here to leave nasty, judgemental, hateful comments -- and then there are seasons where the anonymous ones seem to crawl out of their hidey holes to spew mean stuff everywhere.  It does seem to me that the incidence of that sort of thing is increasing -- I wonder how many people take the predominant culture of Fetlife out into the blogosphere and just assume that it is reasonable to be combative in every encounter?

Whatever ... It isn't just us.  Around the circle of people who are linked here, and the wider spanking community, almost everyone has been subjected to periodic assaults by mostly anonymous nitwits who take it upon themselves to leave nasty comments all over the place.

There are ways to protect yourself, if you write in this format, from these creeps.  A simple change of the settings on this blog would effectively eliminate the possibility that any anonymous commenter would ever write a single hateful word and post it on this site.  Believe me, I've been tempted ... on more than one occasion, to make that the way of it here.  The problem with that solution is that, occasionally an anonymous commenter stops by and leaves a comment that is interesting, intelligent, thought provoking, respectful.  Blocking all the anonymous commenters would save us the trouble of dealing with the nasty, immature, combative ones; but it would also deprive us of the pleasure of conversation with the now and then stranger who stops by and offers something of value.  So far, we've chosen to preserve the option for that unexpected and oh so welcome guest.

I don't like mean anonymous comments.  They do bother me.  I choose to delete them, rather than wonder whether the intent was really as mean as it seems it might be.  When it comes down to it, I've decided that, if I am wondering about it, then it probably is just easier to delete those nasty comments from unidentified critters.  We've been writing here for a really long time.  Beyond these last couple of blogs that have been driven into oblivion, we've seen plenty of good people vanish from view because of harrassment from the self-righteous folk who think they know what is best for ALL OF US.  We've withstood the firestorm of criticism for years and years.  After awhile, doing this, you develop a pretty tough hide. 

We'll continue to protect and defend the integrity of this place while working to keep the discourse as free and open as we can.  Sometimes that means that all of us will be exposed to some ignorant, judgemental bit of doggerel from some self-righteous, tight-assed, know-it-all, anonymous commenter.   Be assured that we'll continue to eliminate that "stuff" from our comment pages, and go right on sharing the truth of our lives with those readers and friends (alice, morningstar, greenwoman, selkie, impish, oatmeal girl, abby, chloe, mouse, tangerine tease, danae, bonnie, lynlass, kaya, PK, -- and a whole host of others) who have come to be such a positive force in our lives.

Thanks to each and all of you!



  1. Hey, Swan, I love you and your blog and your guts to lay it all on the line without removing anonymous comments, even if it means assholes try to get under your skin. Good for you for not letting them. Much love, Celine

  2. Hi all three of you. I read every post but don't comment (except in my head :-)). Please put me down as a "positive" admirer of your blog. I'd like to thank you for all your time and effort in producing it - I look forward to reading your views on wide ranging topics. Long may it continue.

    Love Ana

  3. Anonymous6:20 AM

    lol im anonymous, and im not going to be rude like the others.
    Its your blog, you can do as you wish, whether keep comments, delete comments and also write what you want. :)
    I rarely write here, however i will today :)
    Take care xox

  4. How very odd to imagine that because "you put it all out there" that means that anything goes. To start with I have no idea if you put it all out there are not, somehow I doubt it, but that is hardly the point. Just because something is in the public domain does not mean it is open house for all and any comments. Try that approach with your local newspaper, try it if you are interviewed on T.V., try it with your local 'putting himself out there' politician. We all know that people troll every kind of site and message board out there, they get their enjoyment from turning your work into their platform, it's parasitic really, and then they whine about free speech when that platform is removed. In my opinion normal rules of behaviour apply, abide by them or get deleted, the only person who suffers any loss is the troll.

  5. I commented anonymous when I first began because I had no other way of doing it. I realized right away I wanted to be a part of the community so I began my blog and jumped right in. The first anon. here seem to think we delete everyone who does not agree with us. Not true. Personal I enjoy having a friendly conversation with some one with a different view - understand 'friendly conversation'. If you are polite and sincere in your questions you will generally get back a polite sincere reply. If someone only wants to tell us we're wrong or crazy and they do so in a hateful manner why on earth would anyone want to leave their comment on their site. Anyone is free to start their own blog to tell the world they are the only ones that know the truth. They don't have to leave comments elsewhere.

    Hugs guys,

  6. Your blog is one of the first i found when i dared to start looking. I have gained so much from it..i consider your family friends. For a long time time i was anonymous in my comments. Thank you for not giving in to the mean spirited ones out there. abby

  7. *blows kisses from the ethers*

  8. I've been reading for some time now and don't thing I've commented.

    Your blog is one of the most interesting out there. Your collective take on things is thought provoking and shows you all as humans making choices, hard as they may be at times.

    Thank you for sharing your lives!

  9. I love the comment disclaimer here! Good for you. I was raised in the 'if you can't say anything nice then don't say anything at all' way....and we both know its perfectly possible to disagree nicely. I've never understood the nastiness that I've seen in comments on some sites.

    Hope you're all and hugs xxx

  10. OK... I had an email from PK asking about a comment that was left here sometime during the day. I remembered seeing it, sort of... but not really. I didn't remember deleting it, but I could not find it here, so maybe I zapped it by accident... I just don't know. At any rate, I've recovered if from my old email, so here it is...

    I commented anonymous when I first began because I had no other way of doing it. I realized right away I wanted to be a part of the community so I began my blog and jumped right in. The first anon. here seem to think we delete everyone who does not agree with us. Not true. Personal I enjoy having a friendly conversation with some one with a different view - understand 'friendly conversation'. If you are polite and sincere in your questions you will generally get back a polite sincere reply. If someone only wants to tell us we're wrong or crazy and they do so in a hateful manner why on earth would anyone want to leave their comment on their site. Anyone is free to start their own blog to tell the world they are the only ones that know the truth. They don't have to leave comments elsewhere.

    Hugs guys,

  11. Impish18:48 PM

    I do so appreciate the discourse here, the friendship, the give and take, the harbor. I also appreciate that there is a reasonableness that allows those discussions to proceed in a thoughtful manner. It allows us to explore and disagree sometimes as a discovery process, when we're not sure, trying to learn and grow...without fear that we'll be blasted for it. I began here as an anon when I was new to the idea of the internet and this side of me, and gained much from being able to participate that way until I was more comfortable.

  12. I've only had one truly negative comment, and I had a typical reaction (for me, at least.) First, I was hurt. I HATE admitting that, but it's true. Then I got fired up, in a strange, anxious, happy way. I was ready to attack back. At the very least, say something witty, quick, nasty. I don't remember what I came up with, because I didn't have the chance to use it. While I was composing, Antonio (having gotten notification of the comment as well, I believe) had simply gone and deleted it.

    I felt a little of the wind let out of my "witty-bitch" sails, but I realized his reaction was clearly the better one. I certainly didn't need to rise to the bait. I didn't have to get fired up, engage, invest energy. I could just delete anything truly nasty and without worth or substance.

    But... As hard as it is to admit, I think that feeling in me of "Oh! I'm going to attack back and show this asshole!" is probably SORT of the same feeling that leads other people to do things like leave nasty comments anonymously.

    (I do still harbor the narcissistic idea that I'm a little classier than those people... I've said some things and asked some questions of people that perhaps others wouldn't - but I have always tried to be as respectful as possible, and I have always put my name to my comments. The hiding in order to be a jerk just seems so... Weak.)

    ((Watch me forget to select the proper name/URL here and make this anonymous by accident...))

    Anyway... I talk too much. But, thanks for this. I will think of it when my (inevitable) second truly nasty comment comes through. :)


  13. Swan,

    I want to thank you for leaving your comments open. This gave me courage when I saw that when I first started reading your blog. I used to have my closed, so afraid that someone I know might find me, and say something I did not want the entire world to see.

    But then it happened, an ex wife of my Lover found my blog and tried to use it in court. I paniced and closed down the entire thing. And then later on realized she had no right and in the end it did not matter.

    But all those posts gone, and how sad it was that I had none of those postings. And the wonderful people I had met over the years. My Lover passed away a few months ago, and I restarted my blog again, and wanted to say thank you for giving me courage to practice freedom of speech.

    Well wishes,


  14. Anonymous8:40 PM

    Hmm, been there myself. Recently. Almost stopped blogging. Odd how this stuff seems to hit a buncha blogs at the same time.


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