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We are three adults living in a polyamorous triad family. The content here is intended for an adult audience. If you are not an adult, please leave now.


Thinking Blogger Awards

Taylor gifted us with the "Thinking Blogger Award" a few days back. Amazed and humbled as I am by the words she wrote about what gets shared here, I do want to pass the good stuff on:

Swan's writing is consistently engaging, easy to read, and
thought-provoking. She has written about major life-changing events this past
year that have led her on quite a rocky journey, but through it all, she's
shared it with us. Her courage is breathtaking to me. I learn volumes from her
simply by her demonstration of grace under pressure, determination in the face
of challenge, and absolute devotion to those she loves, always - and in all

The rules are:

1. If, and only if, you get tagged, write a post with links to 5 blogs that make you think,
2. Link to this post so that people can easily find the exact origin of the meme,
3. Optional: Proudly display the 'Thinking Blogger Award' with a link to the post that you wrote (here is an alternative silver version if gold doesn't fit your blog)."

I believe that many who inspire me, who I find to be good and worthy companions as I try and find my way through the twists and turns have already been named by others ahead of me... Still, let me see if I can point out a few worthy writers who deserve mention if they haven't already been named...

morningstar writes consistently, knowledgeably, vibrantly, and with a breadth that is unmatched. Her blog inspires, delights, and uplifts me on a regular basis. She brings balance and a sense of reality to my daily reading rounds that I count on for the grounding so essential to keeping this whirling existence solid when it can seem sometimes ephemeral and fragile. I am delighted to count this accomplished lifestyler as a friend and companion on "the journey."

danae is a calm and steady voice in the sometimes overheated blogging world. So often, I find myself nodding when she writes about the everydayness of service and slavery. Although our backgrounds and paths are quite dissimilar, our understandings quite often fall into sync. When I am most shaken by the chatter of many many "me too" voices, I find this blog a haven of reasonableness and mature thought.

Lord Spooner (danae's Master) writes a sometimes infrequent but deeply thoughtful and often challenging blog that represents one of the very few intelligent and informed outlets for Dominant voices that I have found.

Art Through Service is written by darren (a relative newcomer), who I find to be amazingly open and thought provoking. The family constellation is different than mine, but the concerns are remarkably congruent and the awareness illumination brought to them at this site is provocative and consistently interesting.



  1. swan - i am embarrassed that i missed this entry on the thinking blogs... really truly embarrassed ..

    thank you for the kind words and as always your encouragement..

    morningstar (owned by Warren)

  2. Thank you swan! Master and I did write you thank you over on our blogs (although a little late) we are very grateful for your kind words. *hugs*


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