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Thinking About "Ownership"

I've been thinking further about the questions raised by magdala in her recent discussion of issues of "ownership" in power exchange relationships here:

Some of that thinking took me back to reread the work done by Gabriel around the concepts of "continuous consent" and "ethical ownership/Mastery" that culminated with His "Pygmalion" post over at "Once Bitten" here:

I find that there is an argument posited that "ownership" implies and almost demands a concomitant responsibility to maintain the owned item. With the acceptance of that premise there then follows a whole set of requirements placed upon the owner to care for the "property" in specific ways or else risk earning the labels of "bad, irresponsible, neglectful, etc."

I disagree with the premise.

Ownership refers simply to the act of possessing. It may imply some legal status, although, clearly, when we speak of it in reference to consensual erotic slavery, that is not the case. However, ownership occurs when one obtains the actual legitimate possession of some property. Period. It does not hinge upon the manner in which said owner chooses to treat or care for the property. That discussion devolves to an entirely different set of vocabulary:


and things like--

The list might go on and on and on.

The reality is that if one owns a piece of property, the decisions about how to treat that property are ALL within the range of choices belonging to that person. It is entirely possible to buy a finely crafted piece of furniture and stick that lovely piece in a cold, damp, dusty barn where it will gradually, and inevitably crumble into a splintered pile of rubble. There is no requirement to do otherwise. The piece in questions remains owned property throughout.

Similarly, a Master might own a slave and choose to completely ignore that slave's needs at every level -- physical, emotional, social, spiritual. Those choices, theoretically belong entirely to the owner in a Master/slave dynamic. We can, reliably, predict the likely outcome in terms of the health and well-being of the slave and the relationship in the long-term under those circumstances, but the reality is that such a possibility could occur within the context of an Owner/owned agreement.

I did not enter into slavery against my will. Nor did I enter into it suddenly one day, an object plucked off a shelf. Ours was a dynamic that evolved slowly and organically from who we were with one another. It came to be our truth, and eventually simply had to be acknowledged.

I am cared for with great tenderness and deep love and affection. However, His choices and decisions drive the dynamic. There is no requirement for Him to care for His property in specific ways. That does not result from the fact of His ownership.

I have always found it disconcerting when submissives and slaves insist that Dominants and Masters, if they are worthy of the title, must cherish their possessions as if they are "great treasures." Many do. However that declaration and implied judgment seems to me out of place and simply topsy turvy in a world where some would bend to the hand of those who "own."

Somedays, Master's gaze falls on me with great intensity and warmth and I am all aglow. At other times, His attention and energy is, and must be elsewhere. It is as it should and must be. I know, still, who I am and to whom I belong -- always and all ways. He does not HAVE TO tell me or show me.



  1. Anonymous6:50 PM

    Swan, do you have a reaction to jewel's "spanking" picture? I don't understand a Dom doing that to anyone on their first scene especially.

  2. jo, I understand that not everyone needs or wants the type of relationship that I have. I am Tom's slave. That is the life I chose and choose. I understand the constraints and gifts that offers to me. It, obviously, does not provide the same fulfillment to others. You have chronicled your questioning and searching for what it is that will send your heart and soul soaring. If only each person had the courage to seek and find that in whatever form...

    As for contracts, I know there are those who use them and successfully. We don't. I have joked that my contract is carved in the flesh of my back... simple.


  3. Gabriel -- I, too, believe that a consensual slave and an end-table are quintessentially different (although I acknowledge that there are those in the lifestyle who don't see it that way). However, I would still argue that ownership is still "just" ownership. If we choose to "load" the concept with other responsibilities, I'd argue that we are then talking about some state that is a level above ownership. I am simply positing that when we who lay claim to the condition of "property" then insist that the owner "must" perform certain duties in the maintenance of said property, the world has been stood on its head in a very fundamental sort of way. The only condition for ownership is legitimate possession. Other responsibilities may accrue as an ethical matter, but that is not a technical condition of "ownership."


  4. anonymous person -- you asked if I had some reaction to Jewel's "spanking picture" and then stated: "I don't understand a Dom doing that to anyone"

    I'd say that Jewel's spanking picture was a source of some pride for her a couple months back when she was riding high and weilding most of the power in the situation. She negotiated that scene with my Master for weeks before it actually occured. She was clear with Him that they had some karmic connection that they needed to work out in very intense SM play. She sold Him on the fact that they were somehow destined to come together and "atone" for some past-life mumbo jumbo through their SM play together. Their "scene" was not only consensual, it was driven by Jewels "belief" system.

    As for you not understandig a Dom doing "that" to anyone, what is your level of experience, your background, your breadth of understanding? Different people react differently. Not everything is as "scary" as it looks. You may not understand a scene as an onlooker, but unless you are actually there, and part of what is going on, chances are you don't have the information you need to judge. That is doubly true if you are making judgements based on one photograph that is being tossed around in a highly-charged emotional situation.

    I'd advise that you form opinions with some caution.


  5. Anonymous12:47 AM

    "Ownership refers simply to the act of possessing." and "It does not hinge upon the manner in which said owner chooses to treat or care for the property."

    I do not disagree with either of these statements at all. I agree actually, very much so. There areno requirements upon an owner at all as far as how he treats any object he owns.

    I see things in pictures, I don't know how to further explain that in terms others understand. This post gave me a picture of sterling flatware used several times a year. Loved, cherished, whatever the reason is for owning it. Polished and has the tarnish removed when it is used. Cleaned and stored when done.

    I think the side of this I was exploring had to do more with the path any Master must take with any object he desires to use. The key being "use" I think. The examples I gave have to do only with an owner who desires to use his property. I did not explore the side of an owned object that is not used only kept. Except for the possible or probable deterioration of that object over time. My thoughts had more to do with preventing that as far as a regularly used object (like a bath towel) I did not think so much of lesser used objects (like sterling silver). Isn't it interesting that the lesser used object is the stronger of the two composition wise, or is that just me?

    I'm sorry this is so long, I am just trying to work out what I was thinking at the time, I'm not sure I even know.

    I think my greatest conflict (?) about ownership and property comes from deciding am I the bath towel or the sterling flatware and regardless of which to deal with waiting to be washed or waiting to have my tarnish removed. How to get my mind to the right place to await use. They say the towel has no mind and doesn't mind the wait.

    As to any requirement of the part of the, I don't see that they have any other than what "society" (?) or "others" (?) (whoever they may be), feel that the owner owes the property. The avaialability of use and continued use (without loss of use) was more what I was exploring I think.

    I'm not sure anymore what I think. I've given myself so many circles with it that I don't even know where the energy would come from anymore.

    Beyond the ethics though, what about being able to use the object without maintaining it? The towel will not wash itself. How does that work? A great deal of my circles come from exploring those options.

    I'm still going round and round with this, but I think maybe I need to leave it and revisit it. I'm trying, it just isn't easy. I'll just keep reading and trying to sort it out. If you have further thoughts on this I would be very interested in hearing them.


  6. Anonymous1:31 AM

    OK, OK, so obviously I talk too much but I am STILL thinking here. I am starting to wonder, am I trying to figure out how ownership, simple possession of an object, resolves itself when the owner desires to keep the object available for the use he intended? Maybe that's where I am so very slowly slowly trying to go. (and your relationship or structure was not something I was questioning, I hope I did not make it sem so, please excuse me if I did)

    Greatest treasure, most prized possession, all terms used frequently by many but not the direction I am headed. I believe that his new top coat receives more attention than I do right now *smiles* My relationship(s) is somewhat different, we met as Master and slave not man and woman or anything else, it was and is the entire basis of the relationship. Should that end, the relationship may or may not end also. That's a whole 'nother can of worms though and not part of where my mind is with this. I am not entirely sure, and may be mistaken, but I am thinking that you evolved from poly to M/s poly? I'd have to go back and re-read to make sure.

    At any rate, I have taken up way too much room in comments. I just have so many things I am still working on. The diffeerence between the "obligitory actions" an owner initiates on his own in order to use the object the way he wishes and the actions deemed by others to maintain that object. It is entirely possible that Himself cleared this up for me just a short time ago when he mentioned that his car never complains about having her oil changed. He's a man of few words, but they always mean something to me.
    I don't think I am questioning any Masters obligation or requirement by the object or possession itself as much as I wonder about where the balance is. I'll have to think more on the car's oil change, I'm getting there, just slowly.

    I apologize (again) for taking up so much room in comments and for any possible feeling that I was questioning specifics within a relationship, it was meant as something much more broad and general than that.



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