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Days of Learning

These have been a difficult couple of days. The reasons are not important. Suffice it to say that I've encountered some challenges to my submission that have left me shaken and feeling uncertain of myself.

Control issues are sometimes tricky things. I got hurt, and I reacted in a fashion that turned passive aggressive -- remaining outwardly polite and compliant, but becoming personally cold, and unavailable -- withdrawing emotionally. That response masked an inward turmoil as I weighed the reality that is slavery when it turns hard: the lack of options, the utter absence of outs or choices at the point when the "self" most desperately wants out. I've thought to run away, to try and disappear inside, to hurt myself, to do worse... I've battered myself against the bars of my mind until I've literally worn myself to a shred. I've talked myself round and round and round in the circles that go absolutely nowhere -- about choices and no choices, about what does and does not matter, about what I should and should not care about or focus on, about who does and does not get to control any of this, about feelings that amount to so much smoke on the wind, about being worthy of the name, "slave," about living up to what I say, about keeping my commitments and my word... Until I am completely, utterly, totally exhausted. And ashamed. And no closer than I was when I began. Broken. Lost.

He met my recalcitrance with anger. Called me on my foolishness. Dropped me to my knees. Challenged me to either live the truth of the slavery I claim or stop pretending. Refused to be swirled into my game. Heard my hurt, and left it squarely in my lap. Mine. Alone. I have so much still to learn, so far to go. So much still to give up if I am to ever "get" this. Nevermind what has already been accomplished, learned, given, paid. If this path demands more, then that will be required as well. Nothing behind me, and nothing ahead of me -- only this and nothing more. Slaves cannot expect anything. Learn.

Grow as you are meant to be. Like the vision that shapes the bonsai... No more battering against the boundaries. Roots will be trimmed close to keep the tree growing strong and healthy in the image that is seen in the mind of the One who sees the final product. There is no "away" and there is no "outside" and there is no "more."

Perhaps that is the lesson of these days. If I can lose the cage that my mind sees, I can maybe put down my roots and grow like the lovely bonsai. Whatever, I need to stop making excuses for these events that throw me into such a spin. He doesn't want to hear it. He wants my heart in full accord with Him. The rest is silly foolishness, and He'll have none of that. That much is clear.



  1. Oh, Swan, you speak to my heart so clearly sometimes! How many times I've felt exactly these same feelings! I could not have shaped them into words had I tried. Your words are so eloquent and meaningful, so fully drawn from the depths of your soul.

    I admire your willingness to share that pain with us, and by doing so, you've given me, at least, a stronger ground to stand on when those feelings come around the next time. Why? Because I'll know I'm not alone, that someone else has been there, and knows exactly how it feels. You are not alone! And you already know that change necessarily means growth or death, if not literally, then spiritually, internally.. it's evident you've chosen growth. Be proud of that, it's much more than most can accept - or even perceive - while in the process.

  2. Anonymous12:03 PM

    Oh swan,

    have you any idea what great company you keep.

    Your "dark night of the soul" is the soil in which the beautiful soul grows, every post you write helps someone grow if only a little.

    Down through the ages aspiring souls have cast themselves in the ocean of a great desire with no sure destination.

    They knew doubts and often despair, that's what being human is about, yet many more succeeded than we are aware of.

    Do you think that your desire to be the perfect slave is any less than those others, and think swan, should you attain that goal, why you will have made Tom the perfect master, as the master makes the slave, so the slave makes the master.

    Love and hugs to you all.


  3. taylor, schiava, Paul. I am not proud of myself. I've fallen short of the mark again. Failed at something so fundamental and so simple. Forgotten that all I really need to do is trust, and remember who He is and who I am. So far to go. When will I ever learn? At this rate, I will still be trying to figure this out when I am 100 -- if I should live that long...


  4. Swan, can you at least give yourself the acceptance that this is about the journey, not the destination? The path in between here and there, and all it entails, both positives and negatives, is what makes us breathe, makes us feel alive, fully human. You're not a machine that can simply be programmed. You're an intelligent, feeling person and we're not meant to ever have ALL the answers. Wishing you peace, so much my heart hurts with you! *hugs*


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