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Writing and Privacy

It is a funny thing when you write about your life in a forum like this. By definition, the writing is an invitation to strangers to look into your personal dealings, your intimate affairs, your hidden moments. Whatever other motivations there might be for the regular pouring out of words at the keyboard, the simple reality is that there is an audience for this kind of journal. Acknowledged or not, bidden or not, catered to or not, the mere presence of those readers changes the experience of this writing in unavoidable ways.

It is an interesting activity. For me, there are days when the effort to come and find the integrity to say anything honest at all is enormous. There are days when I seriously question what I can say, and why I should bother to say it. I continually fight the demons that drive me to compare myself and my life with others, and find both wanting, and then sink into despair. Over and over again, I come back to the simple artifice of writing whatever comes off the ends of my fingers when I sit at the keyboard, and then resisting the urge to edit it or gild it or embellish it. What shows up here is my and our life pretty much the way it gets lived, which is why so much of it is so darned plain.

And then there are the times when someone will come along and demand more. Insist on the answers to questions asked. Point fingers at perceived faults and failings and short-comings. Require explanations beyond what is offered. Times like that don't happen often, but when they do, I sometimes pull the curtain, close the door, and simply say, "No. Sorry. That is off limits and private. Past this point, you may not go."

Most of the people who read here regularly, who have come to feel like friends and companions, don't ever push that boundary in the first place, but in any event, they always seem to understand the drawing of that line. It almost always seems like it is the casual visitor, or the nameless ones, who are the most likely to get huffy over that refusal to "bare all" for their amusement or edification. People who don't bring anything to the table, from a relational standpoint, seem to always be the first to yell about how miserly I am with the juicy details. How very odd...

I know it may seem strange to say it in this context, but I am a private person. What I give of myself here is drawn forth with effort. What I reserve to myself is held back with care and for a reason. I believe that I do that with integrity.

This last minor scuffle over "privacy" has reminded me of my days long ago when I competed as a high school student in Lincoln-Douglas Debate. LD Debate is one-man debate, as opposed to the more common Cross-examination, two-person style. It is fast-paced, and demanding precisely because you have no partner to help you formulate arguments or rebuttals in the heat of the event.

I remember one match very clearly. The proposition that season was, "Resolved that an absolute right to privacy is fundamental." I was pitted with the affirmative argument against a young man who was very accomplished and had gone unbeaten that year when he was arguing the negative case. He gave all the standard arguments that honest, decent people with nothing to hide should not need a guarantee of privacy to protect themselves from their own government, etc. I had plenty of evidence to the contrary: case law, and anecdotes of one sort and another. My case was carefully constructed, but I was clearly going to lose. Finally, in desperation, I looked (with all the innocence I could muster) at this handsome, athletic, obviously popular, virile young guy, who had already established that he considered himself to be the sort of honest, decent, upstanding sort that had nothing to hide, and asked a simple question: "Do you masturbate, and if so how often?"

He turned fifteen shades of red. The judge sprayed coffee out his nose. I won all the points for the round -- except for those for "ethics." I lost every one of those, and so lost the round, but it was worth it. Because, I knew the answer the dude should have given me. It would have screwed his argument, but it would have saved his dignity: "That's private. I won't discuss it with you."

I write a personal weblog. I talk about a lot of personal stuff. Some of it emotionally charged. Some of it kinky. Some of it sexy. Some of it about as mundane and everyday as the day is long. I love to get comments and questions. If something that a reader says or asks sparks a discussion or another line of thought, so much the better. But if something crosses over into territory that is private, for whatever reason, I am old enough and secure enough to say so, and stick by it -- no matter how frustrated it might make folks.

That's my story and I'm sticking with it.



  1. You didn't get points for ethics? Why on earth?? Cheats!!.. Frauds! Boohooo!! Hisss!!

    After all, you simply asked him to put his money where his mouth is... ;)

  2. when i first started my journal...5 years ago I thought well i am putting myself out there so...i am obligated to answer everyone's questions. I also used to write about much more graphic and sexual posts then I do currently. Now...I am on Master's time and my free time is incredibly precious so I answer what I feel like and post what I feel like in that moment. I do understand the questions with poly as I remember before I had been poly I wondered all those things too. but they are private when you are going through it. so the policy i stick with in my be honest but answer the questions i want to answer or Master wants me to answer of course.

    so of course you know i understand that it is your journal do what you want with it!

  3. Anonymous7:58 PM

    'Cause you know I have way too much to say lately....I have to say something!!! I feel like I should raise my hand and call out "Pick me, pick me!" though...heh.

    I was reading your post, and the comments...and of course I feel you should do exactly as you want to. That is a given.

    minionette suggested it was boredom with one's life that might cause such questions. I think there is also another explanation (one based on at least some type of relationship between people and excluding anonymous surfers who stop for two minutes and drill for answers)

    I have an insatiable curiosity. I ask questions, I never ask a question that I do not want to know the answer to. I genuinely want to know things....mainly to further my own education in something, anything...tampons, yes! I don't wear them, I am forever asking people about them! Sleeping arrangements, yes, I wonder what works for others so that I may have more examples with which to form my own sleeping arrangements. Do you wear snowboots? What do you think about anal sex? What type of cooking oil do you use? Lube? All things I have been known to ask. I might learn something from anything! I would hate to miss that opportunity to do so.

    However, I am well mannered (most of the time) and try not to ask people questions that would make them uncomfortable. At least online I can read what I wrote and think before I hit send. Most of the time. Not always of course....I'm not perfect.

    I have been told that my frank openness is disturbing to some. I was surprised to hear that. I will talk about anything and pick the brain of someone who has more information than I do on any given subject.

    And, of course, I forget that others aren't always the same way and prefer not to become involved in discussions that they don't want to. I am always, always surprised though. I often wind up looking quite pitiful and feeling so terrible for making someone else uncomfortable that most people take pity on me and forgive me. At which point I become the joyful puppy and bound right back into where I just came from without thinking again. *sigh*

    But I try to behave myself, I work on keeping it in check and yet...

    I desperately still want to ask questions all the time till there is nothing left unanswered.


  4. Anonymous9:43 PM

    hi! it's me again, the anon poster who simply wondered why you would post about sleeping with Master and the new machine and yet dodge someone else's question about sleeping arrangements.

    I do get that you can pick and choose what you blog about on your blog. My question was why is where you guys sleep such an issue that you don't just say, I sleep HERE and she sleeps there and sometimes he sleeps THERE and I sleep HERE.

    I also don't get why it seems to be such a big deal for you to discuss.

    Why is where you sleep such a big deal? Why are you surprised people want to know how it all works?

    It doesn't seem such a rude question for me. In fact, as someone who is not in this "lifestyle" I simply just don't understand why where you sleep is such an issue that you don't share it.

    That's all.

    Carry on. I'll just lurk on the sidelines I guess. I didn't mean to start a row. I just didn't think the first anon's question was unreasonable.

    Perhaps she/he touched a nerve?

  5. So anonymous, if you want to be taken seriously here why don't you sign your posts? You posted previoulsy that you felt you had no option to do this because you had no Blog. The reality is a number of those who read and respond her respond as "anonymous," but at the end of their comment they type in their name or Internet identity. Some, who knows, like me, might choose to really confound folks by actually using their first name (I recently was hugely attacked for outing a couple because I typed their first names in a Blog comment. I researched their first names on line and there are hundreds of millions of people with their first names........but somehow they figured if I shared their first names, their identities were compromised. The world is filled with assholes.......but I digress.)

    So you know you may have hit a nerve with us. I hope that somehow gives you a rush. Actually, we do sleep as we choose, but I spend more nights as people generally define "spending nights" with sue (ahhhh swan...damn another outing....when will I learn to remain anonymous?:) We once did the calendar thing, where I spent one night with sue and one night with teresa (oh my, I mean T) and I got tired of being the Dominant without a bedroom.

    The reality is that I get up each morning and spend time with T, and we get together in bed to nap or snuggle or love when we want and need to...sometimes alone and sometimes with sue/swan. The CPAP has not and will not effect that.

    You may have hit a bit of a nerve. You know I could tell you we are poly and happy (which would be true) and that there never was any bleed over to my "traditional monogamous" imprinting.

    I love my wife T with all my heart and soul. I generally do not spend my nights with her but with swan whom I love with all my heart and soul as well, but who is not the woman people would traditionally define as being my wife. I'm pretty confortable with that, but my comfort is not always 100%.

    Anonynmous, the one of you who asked, you had no right to a response but there you got one. I'd pretty much desribed it in my previos comment, but you seem to need more graphic description.

    If you want to post here further, and I'm glad if you do, type in an identity after your post so we know it's you. If you really want to confuse people try your name. Real names cause Bloggers to piss themselves which is kind of fun:)
    If you don't wnat to do that, don't be surprised to be ignored.

    All the best:)


    Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you've imagined.

  6. Anonymous8:35 AM

    swan, T and Tom, yours is a comfortable house where I like to visit.
    I'm happy to chat and listen to what you are willing to share, when I have something positive to share I'll do so.
    I like you folks, lets keep it that way.:-)
    Hugs :-)

  7. Well, I for one am intensely curious about all things human--including the sleeping habits of people. Even couples sleep differently--some of them have separate bedrooms, some have separate blankets (us), some sleep directly on top of each other. I love the variety in people. One of the big reasons I read your blog is due to this curiosity, this fascination I have with how other people live their lives. Come to think of it, that is why I read all blogs.

    However, I know how to respect the answer "that is private, I don't feel comfortable sharing that". Simple answer, honestly given. We all have boundaries, that is yours. No big.

    This world could do a lot better if we all respected each other's boundaries.

  8. Grumblin and minionette -- Hugs to you both! No, Grumblin, I didn't get the ethics points, and I did feel cheated, but I knew in my own mind that I should have won the day because the point was made in that moment. It was only the small mindedness of the judge that kept me from victory.
    Sweet minionette, you always make me smile with your "straight to the heart of things" way of putting it. So right on.


  9. danae -- There are days when I am feeling bleak and down about even doing this "blogging" thing when your journal becomes for me a source of inspiration and a model. So thank you for the affirmation. I do find you and your Master "in tune" with where my heart is oftentimes, and that is a great gift. Thank you for just being out there.


  10. magdala -- Quit bouncing up and down in the back of the room, Honey. I see you with your hand waving in the air and your millions of questions (LOL)...

    "...tampons, yes! I don't wear them, I am forever asking people about them!...Do you wear snowboots? What do you think about anal sex? What type of cooking oil do you use? Lube?"

    I don't wear tampons (or anything else anymore, obviously. I used to use Insteads. I don't have any "snowboots" as such although I have some rubber boots that I like for the rain, and all manner of boots that I wear for all kinds of occasions because I just like boots. I think anal sex is fine for folks who are "into" it. He who shall remain nameless liked it and so I did it with Him -- never really was my thing. Master doesn't like it and I do not miss it. We are really careful about fats in our diet here. We cook with a bare minimum of oils. Generally we choose canola oil and olive oil. We never ever cook with lube.


  11. Master -- You, Sir, may "out" me anytime, anyplace, anyhow...

    I love you.

    Yours always and all ways.


  12. Paul and schiava -- you are always welcome here. Such warm and pleasant and delightful guests (and good friends, old and new, are a great joy) are good to have in one's "home" even if that home is really only on the wisps of the cyber waves... If only you were closer... Failing that, come in and pull up a chair anytime.


  13. her -- you are definitely right about the differences in sleep styles. That was one of the things we learned early on. I am quite comfortable with His urge to grab on and tuck me in and under. I sleep quite happily all curled up under the wooly bear Man. T on the other hand tends to feel a bit claustrophobic when sleeping with the wrestler. Hence, we make choices about how much and when and where we each subject ourselves to that sort of "sleeping." We are all old enough to know that "sleeping" is supposed to be about resting. It's that old bit of advice we used to give each other in college -- "if you aren't in bed by 10:00, go home and get some sleep!"


  14. Dear kaylem, I am just so glad to see you alive and well. Hugs! There are, as you intimate, some things that are sensitive, that we keep private, and that we don't even discuss the reasons we don't discuss them. Why that should make people crazy is beyond me.



  15. Ya know, it's hard to open up completely, no matter what the forum. When talking about D/s relationships, it's easier to talk to those that are like minded of course, but others who are not into, or interested in, this lifestyle will hardly ever understand. I too find myself at times, 'editing' or 'censoring' what I write about. Some things, are to remain private between two people. Others simply don't need to know. You should not (and it does not sound like you do) feel bad about this.

    Another great read, thanks! Ciao

  16. Gabriel -- in the days leading up to the surgery, snowboots, or maybe rainboots might have been really good substitutes (or at least backups) for tampons. Wading pools might have been even better... Now, perhaps we have gone rather far afield, but it is all magdala's fault.


  17. Anonymous3:22 AM

    My fault!!! Me? The snowboot question was because of what Tom said about back and forth in your pj's...I wondered if you wore snow boots when it snowed with your pj's, which led me to wonder how much snow you really get there and did you even use snow boots regularly. See how simple that was. Tampons...I am forever asking people about them, always. I don't understand them, cannot wear them because they hurt too much...yes I know I have written about many things much larger than tampons, but the little things make me scream and beg to take it out. I stand on the "feminine aisle" in the store and look really stupid cause I just don't understand why so mnay choices. I cannot possibly understand many choices for one thing. Amazes me.

    And I was very happy to hear you never, ever cook with lube, I was worried about the flame point...heh, I have been trying oils and am wondering about them because nothing beats old fashioned heart attack in a bottle cooking oil. Of course...I use lard in my biscuits too...anal sex, well that was just cause I wanted to know :) The problem is, it is never just one question...there must be 3 more for each question already. Maybe I just talk too much. Hrm. Maybe I should writemy own post instead of a book in your comments :)

    See different people I ask questions of, and some like Gabriel and Kaylem, I try not to because they prefer to say what they want rather than answer questions. On the other hand, I would never dream of asking personal question my first visit to anyone's blog unless they posed a question to the reader. I am trying to behave at least somewhat :)

    I have had much fun here in your home these few days, thank you for having me. I always appreciate whatever parts of your lives y'all share here.


  18. Anonymous3:59 PM

    Hehe kaylem, I know I can ask questions, y'all have always been very sweet about answering them too :) I meant that you were more reserved and I *try* to think before hitting the send button simply because I am trying to respect the ground rules y'all have in place on your blog. You have no idea how many times I have written, re-written and then just backspaced out an entire comment because I am trying to be delicate and respectful instead of blundering and bouncing in like that large dog that's so happy to see it's owner!

    Big key for me; think first, speak second. I seem to have difficulty with that one at times!



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