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Master's Parts -- Possibly TMI

The World's Most Expensive Dentist says that Master has a bite that is way stronger than any human he has ever seen -- powerful jaws! One of the dental health issues that we deal with is that He grinds His teeth in His sleep. It is called "bruxism." The grinding is so intense that it wears the surface of the tooth away, and has even resulted in breakage of some of His teeth. It is a problem that He has had since boyhood, and many dentists have tried and failed to mitigate the problem with a variety of mouth guards and dental appliances designed to stop the grinding and protect the teeth. He simply chews through them all -- often in a matter of weeks.

So, The World's Most Expensive Dentist fitted Him with a special, supposedly "indestructible" mouth guard to wear at night. That indestructible part is just plain bullshit, but the idea is probably a good one nonetheless. The problem seems to be that there is no material He cannot chew through. But that isn't really the point of this story.

He wears His mouth guard to bed. It makes Him talk "funny." Last night, after I'd finally convinced Him that it was, indeed, bedtime; after all the preparations were completed; after the mouth guard was in place, He turned to me and said --

"My ballths itthcheths. You could sthcrachth them for me..."

Have you ever tried to scratch someone's balls while laughing hysterically? I got caught up in such a paroxysm of laughter over Master's "itcthhy ballths" that there were tears rolling down my face and I could barely catch my breath. And the more I laughed and giggled and gasped, the more He laughed. It was definitely a severe case of the goofy sillies. In the end we got the "itthchies" taken care of and settled down to sleep.

"Good night, Thir..."



  1. LOL! You have the same sort of humor in the bed room that I do with my husband...Its a great story. I love it!

  2. That is too funny! I really can picture it, though. JEI (Just Enough Information).

    I am working on my second such mouth guard, but it took me 15 years to chew through the first one.

    Thankth, thwan.



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